Thank goodness for the internet, where we can find and share little gems like these old commercials.

1. Worst Toy Ever Made – 1970’s

I don’t know about you, but I know the seven year old version of me would have loved this thing. As an adult, all I can think is WTF?

2. Radio Shack Cell Phones – 1990

Ah, the Radio Shack bag phone. No selfies with this baby, but ever so convenient to carry with you to the grocery store, park bench, club . . .

3. Sony Betamax VCR – 1977

That’s right kids, before Netflix, OnDemand or DVRs we had the Betamax. I’m so glad we don’t have to worry about adjusting the “tracking” knob, anymore.

4. Flintstone’s Advertising Winston Cigarettes

Yeah, maybe those regulations saying tobacco companies can’t advertise to kids isn’t such a bad thing.


5. Sloggi’s Panties – 1980s

Because nothing says Happy Mother’s Day better than a pair of panties that goes by the name of Sloggi’s.

6. John Travolta on a Honda Motorcycle?

I’m not sure which is more disturbing to me; the thoughts that are evoked with the jingle “good things happen on a Honda” or the fact that I spent most of my childhood riding in a motor vehicle without any form of safety belts or car seats like the child in this video.

7. Web Spinning Spiderman Toy – 1980

Ok, I don’t know what the liquid was that produced the webs but I think it was likely something that we wouldn’t hand over to our children, today. Perhaps not, maybe it was harmless. I just don’t know.

8. Underoos for Christmas – 1978

True story, I was an extremely modest child and received these as a Christmas gift when I was around six years old. I actually cried in the middle of the living room floor out of embarrassment. (Sorry, Aunt Donna). It was the last Christmas I ever received any form of underwear.

9.?Super Elastic Bubble Plastic by WHAM-O

Do you remember how this crap smelled? It was the stuff that was the “omg, I need to get some kind of toy but?I’m in a Rite-Aid” purchase. My mother referred to these spontaneous, must have, cheep toys as “stings” and this one was absolutely a sting, to the eyes, nose and throat form the fumes!

10. Super Helmet Seven – 1960s

Ok, I have to admit, I think this one is kind of neat.

11. Bonny Bride Doll – 1960s

Ok, this is just creepy, on multiple levels.

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Elizabeth Preston is a thirty-something wife and mother of three living in Florida. She is a fierce liberal with a passion?for equality and justice. She is a skeptic by nature and often the Facebook friend that rains on the urban legend parade with fact checking. Give her?Facebook page?a?like, follow her on?Twitter?and check out her personal blog,?My Four Ha? Pennies.



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