What were the chances of YOU, the reader, becoming a Republican earlier in your life? If you had two Conservative parents, you probably had a higher chance of becoming one. How about geolocation? The fact is entering adulthood at the voting age of 18 as a Democrat (or even later in life – better later than never) is a good thing. But, why? Why exactly is it a fortunate thing that we’ve all came to see the light?

I like to think about the alternatives of life experiences. Think of it like the television show Fringe. Alternative universe. What would alternate universe Liz’s life be like? She does everything opposite of what I do. So what’s her life like? I don’t want to change my life, but it’s definitely interesting to think about life in another dimension. Since I’ve grown up in the South and immersed myself among Conservatives (you have to know the enemy), I actually have an idea of what I would be like. Oh, the joys of watching people behind prescription sunglasses (so, they don’t know you are watching).

So, what would I be like if was Republican? What would my personality be like? What would my outlook on life be? So, here’s a guess at what an alternate universe Liz would be like and why we should all be glad we’re not Republicans.

1. I’m not perpetuating the cycle of racism.

If I were Republican, being that I’m white and grew up in the South, I would have most likely learned the concept of racism from an early age. Oh, I may not be blatantly racist, no. But I would be the type who could tell you how many black friends I had and start racial discussions with “I’m not racist. But…” I would believe most welfare recipients were single black moms who had baby daddies in jail. The African American men and women who did make it in life and weren’t sucking the system dry would be those that got ahead by affirmative action. The word “n*****” would be nowhere near as harsh sounding to me as it is for a liberal Liz. I would be pissed that Southern heritage was being trampled on.

Fortunately, I do realize we live in a still racist country, and it’s just simply wrong. It does not need a real detailed description. It’s wrong, wrong, wrong, and it’s something we must fight together to end. Institutions of racism are still alive and well. We are only just now learning about them, most likely, thanks to cellphone videos catching video that would otherwise not be filmed.

2. I’m not going to hinder love between ANY two people.

Alternate Liz is a Christian Republican. She would be taught from the early years that gay marriage is a sin that God will surely punish the country for. I would fight against allowing two men or two women who truly love each other to commit themselves to each other much less be able to receive the same benefits from being married (insurance, power of attorney, etc). I might not care what they do behind closed doors (that’s between them and their Gods) but marriage would be an institution that began in the Bible and only belonged to Christianity. I would possibly be agreeable to giving them a civil partnership if I had to, but marriage is for Christians. God made Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve.

However, Liberal Liz is… well… Liberal. I don’t care who marries who, who is placing what genital where, and who loves who. Be HAPPY. Too many people throughout the world are unhappy. Find the person in life who makes you laugh and love life and BE WITH THEM and MARRY THEM. Two men getting married is not going to affect my marriage, and it’s not going to affect yours. The world hasn’t combusted. We’re going to be okay.

3. Conservatives must give something up regarding abortion.

As a Conservative Christian Liz, I would have learned that Jesus said this:

“Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.”

So, abortion would be totally and completely a sin. However, when it came to preventing pregnancies I would be completely against available birth control measures and sex education in school. That Plan B pill would be a tool of the devil. Abstinence would be the only answer. If you didn’t abstain and ended up pregnant, well, that’s just what you get for not keeping your legs closed. Oh, and all those children who only get a real meal at school? Well, their moms should go get jobs and shouldn’t be able to receive help from the government because those tax dollars are my hard earned money that I would spend on pedicures (or something). Since two gay men aren’t a proper family for children, I would be completely against making adoption more of a reality for same-sex couples. So, those children that are forced to be carried by women unfit, too young, not ready to be mothers can just deal with the mother they never got to choose.

As Liberal Liz and an observer of people, I get it. As a mother, I get that it’s hard to wrap your mind around abortion (no judgment – no one can fit and walk in my flip flops, and I can’t fit and walk in your shoes). I get it, especially when you are fed a religion that condemns it. But, I believe it is absolutely unfeasible for either Conservatives to get their way 100 percent of the time (Liberals can’t either). That’s why I believe it is imperative to come to at least a compromise. You don’t want abortions happening? Let women have access to birth control methods. You insist children be brought into this world? Give it up and quit making it hell for a same-sex couple to adopt. If you don’t like any of these solutions, well then, suck it up buttercup! If you insist on not giving something up, be prepared for women to take a step back in history to the frightening deadliness and reality of desperation.

However, no matter what, rape and incest is inexcusable and to require a woman to carry the product of a rape or incestuous relationship is psychological torture.

4. Education is the key to improving the lives of Americans but only if you can obtain it

As Conservative Liz, I might believe that the men and women who are working at McDonalds need to get off their lazy asses, and go to school. What about daycare? Well, go find someone. Duh. You have to work to pay for daycare. Well, make it work. Oh, you have bills? Well, suck it up and work an extra shift on the weekend and study on breaks. Pull yourself up by them bootstraps! That or just get a better job that works with the schedule! I’m sure there’s something better than McDonald’s in a small Southern town that’s lucky to have a Walmart. In fact, go to work at Walmart!

The real Liz has tried to work two jobs, and go to school. At one point, I’ve worked three jobs. It resulted in a breakdown. I didn’t even have a child then. Our mental health system is NOT good enough to expect this of people. The whole pulling yourself up by your bootstraps makes for a great novel. Having been there though, it sucks. I worked in a gas station for $100 a week to go home, support a husband who would not work, and live in the squalor that was my one bedroom shack/home. Yes, it was my choice to be there for the period I was. It was a bad choice. America is not a very forgiving country though. I had no real hope, and it was the lowest point of my life. I even hit a suicidal rock bottom. The fact that anybody could believe that with offering government help, people will just become lazy is beyond me. Very few people want to live that way. When I left, I had nothing but debt, the clothes on my back, a broken laptop, and my guitar. IT SUCKED. I’d put my life back together by working two to three jobs and going to school and I would end up breaking again. As much as I hate some of my exes, I couldn’t wish this on them or their families, and I wish it on no one, and I’ll keep writing about this until it’s a hell of a lot easier in this country to actually decently live without having to work two to three jobs while going to school to make it anywhere in this damn country.

5. Everyone has a right to healthcare.

As Conservative Liz, I would believe that my hard earned tax dollars was MY hard earned money and should not go to pay for poor people’s healthcare. Nevermind that people die from cancer because their insurance drops them, and they can’t afford better treatments. So they are sent to hospice to basically die. Well, that’s their own fault. They should have been more responsible. They should have saved for rainy days. They should have saved for retirement. It’s not my duty to take care of them.

As real world Liz, I’m going to tell you a story. After my breakdown, I was extremely fortunate that my husband made enough money to pay cash for a psychiatrist and weekly counseling. I know entirely how lucky I was and still am. At my first psychiatrist appointment, I answered the questions and was sent out the door by the kind doctor with a prescription for a mood-stabilizer called Lamictyl and the anti-depressant Prozac. Having worked as a secretary in a busy doctor’s office (Job #1), I knew the costs of medications. I knew off the top of my head I could obtain Prozac for $4 at Walmart. It was when I turned in my prescription for my Lamictal that I hit a barricade in my treatment. A 30-day supply of Lamictal was over $200. I called every pharmacy in Valdosta, Georgia asking for prices. Every single pharmacy was hundreds of dollars including CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, and local mom and pop shops.

I could have easily went back to the doctor and explained the issue. I wasn’t completely there, however and I super focused on the issue. After hours of Googling and crying, I found one article about the costs of medications at Costco. It even linked to a medication cost query which would allow you to look up your medication to see how much it cost. I looked it up. Lamictal cost $20. Twenty-fucking dollars. Not believing it, I called the nearest Costco and asked the pharmacist. Twenty-fucking dollars. The nearest Costco from Valdosta, Georgia was in Tallahassee, Florida. That’s about 85 miles one way. You bet your sweet ass I loaded up and went on a road trip. With the cost of gas in a 2000 Ford Focus (35 highway mpg) being $20 also and it only taking one fill up to get to Tallahassee and back, I drove regularly to get my medication. Forty dollars. I only spent $40 on a medication that was hundreds of dollars everywhere else. Lamictal has been a medication that has worked and worked well. Thank you Costco.

EVERYONE deserves access to affordable healthcare and affordable medication. Everyone. Period.

*I’m linking to the Costco pharmacy drug directory which will allow you to look up the cost of medications. The article I found years ago was hard to find. A quick search reveals the information is a bit more out there. I’m also not sure of the price of Lamictal now, as I have insurance. I know, however, there are plenty of medications out there people need that are much too expensive even with insurance or not covered. If you are near to any sort of establishment like Costco, please compare to them. If you’re not near any sort of venue like Costco, I’ll keep fighting for you.

6. When someone is in need for help, I don’t ask “Why?” but “What can I do to help?”

Conservative Liz would ask a man sitting on the corner with a homeless sign if the money was actually going for food or for drugs. That, or she wouldn’t give at all for fear he’d just go dose up. If someone asked to borrow $10 until payday, she’d ask why, what did they need it for.

True story. Liberal Liz once saw a woman sitting on a street corner in Atlanta, Georgia. Stuck in traffic after the George Lopez comedy show at the Fox Theatre, she would be afforded the opportunity to watch the realities of humanity for a few minutes. The woman would look up at people and ask for money. The well-dressed women and men would walk past her with no eye contact and no acknowledgment, and then Liz would see it. The look of shame and complete hopelessness. The woman was holding one child, and the child next to her was hiding behind his ball cap staring down at the ground.

Liz would end up jumping out of the passenger seat while stuck in traffic, run through a few cars and then down the sidewalk to kneel down and ask the woman if she needed money. She gave her every bit of cash in her wallet, which sadly, was not as much as she would have liked. The little boy in the woman’s lap said thank you to Liz. Traffic had not moved, and Liz returned to her car. Liz cried for a good portion of the drive back to South Georgia.

I can still feel what I felt when I saw her, and I’m tearing up while listening to Queen while writing this. I really can’t tell that story without tearing up. It hurt. I know it didn’t hurt as much as her pain. But it hurt, and it hurt badly. Sorry if I’m being a big drama queen (not really).

Do I realize that woman could have possibly been using those kids as pawns and may have possibly went and used it for drugs? I’m not stupid. Of course, I know this was a possibility. But, what if that WASN’T the case? The only thing I regret was not being able to give her more. Had my credit cards not been maxed out because of buying bullshit that really doesn’t matter, I’d have bought her a motel room for a week and gave cash for food. I would do it again and again no matter what.

I don’t tell that story for pats on the back or medals or “good jobs.” Please, don’t. Just go do the same.

9. I know that science isn’t some kind of conspiracy magic trick.

10. I’m aware that mental health plays a huge role in gun violence, but it’s called “gun” violence for a reason.

11. I support the civil rights of ALL of my fellow Americans, not just the ones that pertain to me.

We should be thankful and happy about the way we think, because it’s a very pleasant way to do so. But don’t be too worried, though, because tomorrow when you wake up, you’ll still be just as blue as you are now!

12. I didn’t vote for Donald Trump.

Nuff said!


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