5 Ways To Get Your Kids Interested In Politics

Most people want their kids to be well-informed. Here are five ways (from a teen) on how to get your kid interested in politics.

1. Don’t be condescending.

Look, I’m young. I get it. But that doesn’t mean I’m not intelligent and it doesn’t mean my opinion doesn’t have value. I’ve written controversial articles and essays before and a lot of respected authority figures have tried to degrade what I say because of my age.

2. Don’t disrespect their opinions.

The worst thing you could do is intimidate someone, especially kids, into sharing your opinion. People have told me that I’m close-minded, strong-willed, and not humble. All of that basically means I don’t agree with you 100 percent and you don’t like it. Don’t say things along the lines of, ?you’ll learn one day.? Chances are plenty of people disagree with you; your kid might be one of them.

kids politics
Image via sheknows.com

3. Don’t force them to pick a side.

Oh man. Democrat vs. Republican, Liberal vs. Conservative, Religious vs. Non-Religious. In the end, it has to be their decision. Don’t demonize one side of an opinion. Encourage your kid to learn from every opinion and to keep an open mind.

4. Be open-minded.

In order to encourage someone to be open minded, you have to be open minded. Hopefully your teenager/young adult looks up to you and values your wisdom. I hope it’s not your intention to raise someone who doesn’t think for themselves, and who doesn’t encourage others to do the same. That’s a hard way to go about life.

5. Ask their opinion.

Chances are your kids will?feel more respected, and they’ll respect you in return.