The Republican Debates Were Hilarious!!

The “A-Team” Republican debates proved to be a very entertaining experience. With Republicans being put at one another’s throats, the end result was a very entertaining hour.

The program began by Bret Bair asking the candidates to raise their hand if they would pledge to not run as a third-party candidate. Donald Trump created quite a magnificent stir by being the only GOP clown to not raise his hand.

By Scott Olsen/Getty Images

Next the candidates were asked to introduce themselves. The GOP nominee hopefuls consisted of the candidates polling in the top ten of the list of candidates. The candidates were: Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, and John Kasich.

The reality of the debates were that it was completely a competition to appeal to the radical base. With Huckabee saying that fetuses have 5th and 14th amendment rights being one of the highlights. Every candidate essentially repeated most of the same rhetoric that appeals to the Republican base.

In a not surprising turn of events, almost all candidates threw punches at Trump in an attempt to steal some of his brutish followers. Though this wasn’t successful it was still hilarious. Even though Trump didn’t speak all that much, he still managed to insult Megan Kelley, who was one of the people asking questions at the debates, and many of the candidates. However he and Bush are cozying up together in what could mean Trump potentially wants Bush to be a Vice President in his clown cabinet.

All of the ten clowns on stage spoke on issues, but all except Trump, Bush, and Huckabee basically sounded the same. With Carson clearly doing the worst with very little speaking and Trump doing the best by showing off his ability to say whatever he wants. Carson clearly doesn’t understand that in a “Man on Man” society you have to yell at the other buffoons to get any talking time in. However Carson did say something memorably hilarious. He said:

“God is a fair guy.”

Carson said this in relation to his proposed tax code and man did it make me laugh. I am not sure if he has actually read the bible but I honestly don’t care. He can keep saying this kind of stuff so sane people can have a good laugh.

In all honesty the debates were exactly what everyone expected. 10 clowns seeing who could attack women, the LGBTQ+ community, African-Americans, and Latino people the most.

Featured Image by Scott Olsen/Getty Images via Vanity Fair

Brett Banks is a native Texan majoring in Political Science. His interest in politics started when he was very young and has no end in sight. Brett is a fire breathing Progressive. As an advocate and member of the LGBTQ+ community he has aspirations to one day see equality for all. Follow him @brettbanks81 on twitter or find him on other social media.