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Well it seems Donald Trump will now have a new target for his well-known Twitter rants. Presidential hopeful, Bobby Jindal, does not seem to be a fan of Trump’s views on outspoken Christian, Kim Davis. So much so, that Jindal took to Twitter himself and let Trump know exactly how he felt.

Here are the tweets that Jindal sent Donald’s way.

Bobby Jindal unloads on Donald Trump for not backing Kim Davis  “You can’t make America great again by throwing the Christians in jail”   Salon.com

Bobby Jindal unloads on Donald Trump for not backing Kim Davis  “You can’t make America great again by throwing the Christians in jail”   Salon.com2

Bobby Jindal unloads on Donald Trump for not backing Kim Davis  “You can’t make America great again by throwing the Christians in jail”   Salon.com3

Sorry Bobby, but Davis wasn’t jailed for her, “religious beliefs,” she was jailed for violating federal law by refusing to do her job. She also refused to allow her staff to issue any licenses.  All of this came about due to Davis’ extreme Christian views. Davis believes that issuing the licenses, “conflicts with God’s definition of marriage.”

Jindal’s reaction came after Trump gave his opinion regarding Kim Davis being jailed. Regardless of her personal beliefs, the law is the law, and Donald Trump expressed such after Joe Scarborough asked:

“Donald, bottom line is though, the Supreme Court makes a decision, that’s the law of the land right?”

To this, Trump answered by saying:

“You have to go with it, I mean you have to go with it. The decision has been made and that is the law of the land.”

While the tweets are sure to make for some entertaining tweet battles, Kim Davis does have her supporters. They seem to be coming from the extreme Christian right, with some even predicting that the “Christian holocaust has begun.”

Kim Davis is not being persecuted for religious beliefs, she is in jail for breaking the law. Period. I wonder how many of these ardent Christians would support a Muslim’s religious beliefs, if they were jailed for issuing multiple marriage licenses to the same person. They are allowed many wives under their religious beliefs.

How about it Bobby, would you support an Atheist for not selling a cake to a Christian couple?



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