Kids Re-enact Republican Debate…Hilarious! (VIDEO)

After a week full of Republican craziness, we could all use a dose of kid cuteness and hilarity. The Funny or Die video below provides us with the dose that we all so desperately need.

The video is a group of kids re-enacting the Aug. 6, 2015 Fox News Republican Debate. While, it can certainly be argued that with the way some of the real Republican candidates act, they are not far from having a “grade school mentality” like the boys in the video, I would say that that would be an insult to the kid actors by bringing these kids down to the candidates level.

The video is just under three minutes long, but well worth your time. Watch the entire video here:


Isn’t that simply hilarious?

My favorite kid presidential candidate has to be the adorable boy playing Rand Paul, especially where he starts jumping up and down while ‘Chris Christie’ is talking, and begins shouting, “Fourth Amendment!” “Get a warrant!”

In the video below, is the real exchange between Paul and Christie. The part that the boys act out begins at the two minute mark.


The kids were certainly not far off from their adult counterparts.

Let me know your favorite part of the kids re-enactment in the comments below.

Featured image is a screenshot from the video