jon stewart

If you’ve ever doubted that Jon Stewart is awesome, you need to see this video. In an effort to push lawmakers to extend benefits for 9/11 first responders, Stewart made an unexpected appearance on Stephen Colbert’s show. He was barely into his pitch when Colbert interrupted him, telling Stewart you have to look and talk like Donald Trump if you want to get attention from the media.

So Stewart complied by donning a wig and exaggerating his speech and movements.

“These 9/11 first responders – let me tell you something – these 9/11 first responders are the most top-notch, first-class, diamond-encrusted heroes America can produce. Don’t let Congress play politics with this necessary bill.”

Watch the video below.


Featured image by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert via YouTube screen capture, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.


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