Yes, a ministry linked to the infamous, fundamentalist Duggar family is building a place for fathers to trade their daughters. These Duggars are not just your average right-wing bigots, they are supporting a cult.

This is the same family that waited until AFTER the statute of limitations was up to address the sexual abuse their son committed. Josh Duggar sexually assaulted children when he was a teenager. A couple of those kids were his sisters! The family just sent him to “counseling” for it. TLC and its owner Discovery Communications were reamed for letting these sick people on TV.

The “Quiverfull” movement that the Duggars are following says that women should be subservient to their husbands. The women are responsible for chores and for popping out babies.  Having a full “quiver” is represented by having many children. The chuch encourages their constituents to pop out as many babies as possible.

The “Get Them Married” retreat is designed for Christian dads that want to meet up and discuss who they want to “give” their teenage daughters to. Here is an excerpt from the statement about it:

“We at Let Them Marry Ministries are excited to finally be able to announce our plans for the Get Them Married Retreat. We’ve set our plans and are accepting applications. Pending sufficient signups and barring unforeseen contingencies, we will be hosting the first Get Them Married Retreat this fall.”

These are the “rules” for this sick event:

  1. The ‘youth’ ready for marriage has breasts. A woman who is to be married is one who has breasts; breasts which signal her readiness for marriage, and breasts who promise enjoyment for her husband. (We believe that ‘breasts’ here stand as a symbol for all forms of full secondary sexual characteristics.)
  2. The ‘youth’ ready for marriage is ready to bear children. Unlike modern society, Scripture sees the woman as a bearer, nurser, and raiser of children. The ‘young woman’ is the woman whose body is physically ready for these things, physically mature enough to handle them without damage.
  3. The ‘youth’ ready for marriage is one who is ready for sexual intercourse sexually and emotionally. Her desire is for her husband, and she is ready to rejoice in him physically.

Here is yet another sick part: they are charging $1200 for the family to stay there. It’s like a meat market!  These people are totally sick!

Here are is a bit from the show and their dating rules:

Featured image via YouTube.