WATCH: #BernieOrBust Peeps Are Tweeting Really UGLY #SandersSellout Tweets

As an organization, Liberal America doesn’t make endorsements. I know, I know. Many of our Facebook page fans accused us of being a Hillary shill (if we posted ANYTHING positive about Hillary) and a Bernie shill (if we posted ANYTHING positive about Bernie).

We’ve even been accused of taking money from Hillary or Bernie.


We’re one of the poorest liberal blogs in the liberal blogosphere. We only WISH some candidate would throw some money our way! (if they did, we still wouldn’t endorse)

The truth is, Liberal America is a collective of some of the great liberal minds in our country. When our writers write, they are welcome to lift up and praise their own favorite candidate as long as they don’t outright bash another candidate. We strive to stick closely to the facts when we write anything that is critical of any Democratic candidate. We try really hard to leave the hate where it belongs: on the Right.

We have writers who are Bernie supporters, and writers who are Hillary supporters.

I, however, am an individual entitled to my own opinions. I’ve told you guys this before. I put a lot of thought into who I was going to personally support in the Democratic primaries. A LOT. I loved Bernie, and I also knew that Hillary Clinton would make us a fine president. I actually stood there in the voting booth with my pencil hovering over my selection. I’m still not going to share publicly who I voted for. The sad truth is, I would lose friends (and readers) of whichever side I DIDN’T vote for.

Here is what matters: I vote BLUE. Period. I vote PARTY. Period. Those who criticize me for voting “party” can go join the #TrumpTrain for all I care.

Any Democratic candidate would be better than a Pres. Donald Trump. Hell, Anthony Weiner would get my vote over Trump.

No Democratic candidate is going to lower the minimum wage, or deport the my children’s 80-year-old Mexican grandmother whose green card has expired. No Democratic candidate is going to close our borders to all Muslims, or lock them up in internment camps. Or build a wall on the Mexico/Texas border. Or piss off some of our dearest allies.

No Democratic candidate is going to take away our birth control, Obamacare, or access to our own reproductive choices.

I don’t understand the #BernieOrBuster folks, and I don’t understand the #HillaryOrBust folks (if that’s even a hashtag). We had two strong candidates. Now we have one.

As it turns out, many Bernie supporters aren’t going to continue to support him. Sadly, they’ve turned on him. They’ve even said things like “no matter how tough it was, Gen. Washington never joined the Brits.” What a horrible thing to say about the very honorable Sen. Bernie Sanders. See the tweets below.

And calling him a LIAR.

And suggesting he deliberately tricked them.

Some want a refund on their donation.

Some are saying they’re now #SandersToTrump. Really? F**king really?

And lastly….this.

Anyone saying these things was never really a Bernie supporter. Those are my strong words.

I’ll close with this tweet from David Corn, Washington bureau chief of Mother Jones.


I had a successful career actively working with at-risk youth, people struggling with poverty and unemployment, and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. In 2011, I made the decision to pursue my dreams and become a full-time writer. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.