Hillary Clinton has been one of the religious right’s pet hates for almost a quarter century. I cut my teeth politically during her husband’s presidency, and during that time saw the fundies hurl every smear at her imaginable. So it comes as no shock to discover that two of the loudest Christianists of all have declared that a Hillary presidency will pave the way for the coming of the Antichrist.
First up, American Family Radio afternoon drive time host Bryan Fischer. Just hours after declaring that Hillary had no business running for president because she’s a woman, Fischer declared that she has the same spirit as the Antichrist. People for the American Way’s Right Wing Watch got a clip.
Fischer accused Hillary of being so hostile to religious liberty that she doesn’t just have “a profound anti-Christian impulse,” but “a profound Antichrist impulse.” Fischer told his audience that “the same spirit that will one day animate the Antichrist” is very much present in Hillary. What, pray tell, is the evidence?
“She opposes Christ, she opposes biblical Christianity, she’s hostile to it, she seeks to repress it, she seeks to punish it and she seeks to stifle it. That is the spirit of the Antichrist and it is at work in Hillary Clinton.”
Later in the broadcast, Fischer warned his listeners that Hillary is “motivated by the spirit of the Antichrist” because “she is against everything that Christianity stands for.” And what does Christianity stand for in Fischer’s world?
“She is for same-sex marriage, she is for the promotion of homosexuality, she is against the sanctity of human life, she is against religious liberty. So on the fundamental issues when it comes to sanctity of life, marriage, and religious liberty, Hillary Clinton is on the wrong side. She is an opponent of all that is good and right and noble.”
For loud-and-proud Christian Dems like yours truly, this is all too familiar. If you’re even the slightest bit liberal on social issues, your salvation may be at risk. And now, by Fischer’s “logic,” you may also have the spirit of the Antichrist as well.
Uh huh. So in the name of stopping a woman who has the spirit of the Antichrist, we’re supposed to back a guy who plasters private cell phone numbers on social media, mocks the disabled, and condones violence at his rallies, among other things? For my money, I’d rather have someone in the White House who believes that the Great Commandment is something to live every day–as Hillary herself told an Iowa town hall in January.
A few hours later, Right Wing Watch discovered that this meme actually started last week. When Alveda King, Martin Luther King’s niece, was discussing ISIS’ rise on Jim Bakker’s show, she declared that a Hillary presidency would open the door for the Antichrist. Watch a clip here.
King is the daughter of MLK’s baby brother, and offered yet more proof that part of the tree didn’t branch. She claimed that Hillary had declared that at some point, “Christians and religious people in America need to set aside their religious beliefs and serve secular humanism.” As far as King is concerned, “what she’s really saying is, usher in the Antichrist.”
But there’s just one problem. Hillary didn’t say that at all. While speaking at last summer’s Women in the World Summit, Hillary lauded the progress that had been made in improving the lives of women in the developing world. They have better access to education, domestic violence is down, and fewer women are dying in childbirth. However, she noted that a lot needed to be done.
“All the laws we’ve passed don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice, not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”
A number of Christianists saw that paragraph and turned it into yet another attack by the automaton in a pantsuit on God-fearing Americans. But once you put it in context, this smear fails miserably. With apologies to Politifact, Alveda, you’re Pants on Fire wrong on this one.
One of my close friends–who, like me, is a radical-lefty charismatic/pentecostal–told me awhile back that she thinks God is using Trump to teach the religious right that winning at all costs could not be further from his way. After seeing Fischer and King accuse Hillary of being in the Antichrist’s back pocket while excusing Trump’s many outrages, I’m starting to think she may be right.
(featured image courtesy Bryan Fischer’s Facebook)