Mark Burns, the African-American pastor who incomprehensibly supports Republican Donald Trump for President, was peddling his brand of nonsense on Friday morning’s episode of MSNBC’s Morning Joe.
In the segment, Burns lamented in an amazing feat of irony that:
“I believe we are just in a very racially divided country right now.”
This statement begged for host Mika Brzezinski’s interjection, and she did not disappoint.
She immediately pounced on Burns and asked him directly about his candidate’s role in stoking the very same racial divisiveness that he was just complaining about.

What followed was a hysterical game of cat and mouse as Mika would not let Burns squirm out of the question. She asked:
“Do you think your candidate has anything to do with that sir?”
Burns played politician and tried to take the high road by saying:
“I think it’s imperative that all leaders on both sides really begin to just bring the healing that I was talking about.”
Mika quipped with a hilariously deadpan tone:
“That’s great, but do you think your candidate has anything to do with the divisiveness, especially the racial undertones that we’re seeing right now?”
Burns again attempted to deflect by saying that racism is nothing new in America, but Mika did not let Burns off the hook. In fact, she turned up the heat.
She went on:
“Let me see if I understand you first of all – where you come from here on your candidate – because when he made the comments about the judge saying he’s a Mexican, was that racist or not?”
Burns stuttered out “well I think… Uh,” before Mika charged in again:
“I just want to know if that was racist or not, that’s all, and then I can move on with the conversation, but I need to know where you stand on things in terms of reality.”
Requesting Trump supporters to operate according to “reality” is perhaps a bit unfair. If they have proven anything this election cycle, it’s that they very well may not have the aptitude for such a request.
Enjoy the rest of the exchange here:
Featured Image: Screenshot Via YouTube Video.