As we all know, the nation’s late-night comedians have declared open war on Donald Trump. But that doesn’t mean they still can’t hold the Donald up for ridicule. After all, he’s provided enough material to last well into the next presidential cycle. We learned this in epic fashion on Thursday night, when Jimmy Fallon and Barbra Streisand teamed up to serenade Trump. Well, sorta.

Streisand dropped by “The Tonight Show” for what was billed as a duet with Trump–who, of course, was really Fallon in disguise. Watch here.

In typical Trumpian style, Trump/Fallon tried to grab the spotlight from Barbra.

“Listen up, Babs. We’re gonna sing this song and it’s gonna be a fantastic song. We’re gonna sing a fantastic song, and together we’re gonna make duets great again.”

Trump/Fallon then promised that Streisand and the audience would be “blown away” by his “fantastic” singing. They then launched into a duet of “Anything You Can Do.” But then Trump/Fallon twisted the lyrics to fit his agenda.

“Any wall you can build, I can build taller …”
“I can build casinos, and deport Latinos…”

Barbra apparently saw where this was going, because she told Trump/Fallon, “I can vote for Hillary”–and not only that, Hillary’s “going to win yuuuuge!” When she mused that she could say anything softer than the Donald–an easy task for anyone, even the rest of us–Trump/Fallon actually said he could actually use a soft voice. Sounds like Fallon has Trump down pat–even the blatant lying.

Possibly the funniest moment came when Streisand noticed Trump/Fallon’s hair had fallen out of place. When she offered to straighten the hair out, it growled at her. Makes you wonder if that hairpiece does that to Melania. It could explain why it’s so out of control at times.

You would have thought that the notoriously thin-skinned Trump would have hit the ceiling that night, or the next day. But he didn’t say a thing about this “duet” on Facebook or Twitter. Considering how quickly his lawyers swarmed in to snuff out stories about Melania being a sex worker, that’s really surprising. Perhaps Trump knows that Fallon and Streisand were telling the truth about him.

(featured image: screenshot via NBC via The Hollywood Reporter)