Oh, Holy Craziness. Here we go again.
Yet another Evangelical nutburger has come along to say that Republican presidential nominee and famed sexual predator Donald Trump has been chosen by God Himself.
This time the lunacy comes from a man named Lance Wallnau, who calls himself (you ready for this?) “a catalytic thought leader.”
This catalytic converter, er, “thought leader” wrote on the site “Charisma Caucus” that when he first heard that Trump was running, he wasn’t too impressed. Ah, but then he wrote that he heard the Lord say:
“Donald Trump is a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness.”
A wrecking ball. Whoah.
That’s not all, though. Trump is also, according to this guy, “anointed by God.”
Like other Evangelical pastors who are trying to justify support for a hateful bigot with no Christian morality, Wallnau wrote about King Cyrus from the Bible. Cyrus was a heathen, but God chose him to help the Jews. So, if God could pick Cyrus, why not pick Trump?
This particular Evangelical nutcake says that when he met with Trump, the candidate talked about his own Christian beliefs. Wallnau liked what the Orange One had to say because Trump told him that Christians were being ignored and marginalized in America today.
Of course Wallnau liked hearing that. No surprise to hear he agreed with the candidate.
Wallnau also claims that he had a vision of Trump as President. He says that he “prophesied” a Trump win. The vision came from a Facebook meme, but, you know. He “felt it.” It must be true.
Uh. Huh.
This next paragraph might be the best part of this whole story.
Lance Wallnau believes that Donald Trump is a prophet. Seriously.
He claims that the candidate predicted the Brexit vote and danger in the city of Brussels.
Scarily, he also says Trump’s current predictions about death and destruction in the inner city will come true. Declining crime rates be damned; if Donald says it is so, it must be so!
Wallnau summed it up this way:
“Trump is not a perfect man or a flawless candidate. But I do believe I’ve heard God.”
Newsflash to the catalytic thinker. A lot of us who believe in a higher power are just as sure that the God we worship would never anoint or raise up a bigot who incites violence and brags about his sexual assaults.
We don’t necessarily believe we hear God’s actual voice, but that’s only because we are not insane. Nor are we trying to blame our own political choices on the Almighty.
Look at how he blames the Devil, too.
Featured image by Keoni Cabral via Flickr. Available through Creative Commons Generic license 2.0