The terrible and tragic events in Charlottesville, Virginia continue to dominate the news cycle, and Fox News can’t just pick something else to cover this time. They’ve become quite adept at ignoring the Donald Trump controversies by trying to focus on other topics like sanctuary cities and illegal immigration. But not this time.
A group in New York City decided to march to Trump Tower in solidarity with those who opposed the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, and a scuffle broke out between the marchers and members of the NYPD.
When Keegan Stephan, a New York-based law student and civil rights organizer, posted several powerful pictures and videos of a solidarity march in New York to his Twitter feed, Fox News wanted in. They reached out to Stephan to use some of his work. Keegan’s response is epic:
Photo courtesy of Twitter
Good for you, sir. I particularly like the “history will judge you like it does Goebbels” line, in reference to the infamous Nazi propaganda minister. But I’m sure that the powers that be at Fox News sleep just fine, sadly. But a good lesson to keep in mind for both Mr. Stephan, Fox News, and our sad excuse for a President, is a quote from former POTUS Franklin Delano Roosevelt:
“I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.”
Take a look at all the Tweets from Stephan, which include both photos and videos of the New York clash, here.
Watch a news story covering the events of the New York march here:
Featured image via Youtube screenshot.