It’s a question we may never find an answer to: Why do people of faith, including ministers, support a man as completely immoral and thoroughly vile as President Trump?
Even though business leaders and members of the arts community–along with many Congressional Republicans–have distanced themselves from Trump after his post-Charlottesville press conference, many evangelical Christians still cling to Trump and offer their complete support.
One of those pastors, Mark Burns of the Harvest Praise and Worship Center in South Carolina, was a guest on AM Joy Saturday morning, and was asked by the host to defend Trump’s comments on Charlottesville. Burns did a verbal two-step and replied:
“I could never abandon, because I believe God has called me to this. I can never abandon anyone who I believe God has chosen me as a man of God, as a Christian, and as a leader in the body of Christ to speak the word of the Lord to the ear of the president.”
So Reid tried another angle, asking Pastor Burns what the president has done for his congregation and for African-Americans since he was elected. Burns tried to talk around the question, so Reid put him on the spot:
“I want you to answer my question if you could, please. name the policies that Donald Trump has put forward that have helped black people, people of color or Christians?”
“I believe number one, Neil Gorsuch is a person…”
Reid cut Burns off and reminded him:
“That’s not a policy.”
Clearly caught off guard, Burns finally managed to blurt out:
“We’re talking about the things the president ran on. He’s pro-life. He’s standing behind pro-marriage. He’s Christian and pro-faith. That’s the number one reason why Christians and evangelicals support the president of the United States. So we have a Supreme Court justice that believes in the core values.”
An amused Reid then asked:
“It’s 100 percent about abortion and gay marriage? That’s it? That’s all that matters?”
To that, Burns responded:
“No. that’s not all that matters, but it was the number one issue why Christians and evangelicals supported the president of the United States.”
Reid again asked:
“Can you name anything else?”
All Burns could do was praise Trump for the economy, which was already doing just fine before Trump ever arrived in Washington.
Here’s another question we may never know the answer to: Why would any true Christian offer his support to the devil?
Featured Image Via MSNBC Screengrab