Have you guys ever been making a list of things and thought to yourself “I KNOW I’m missing something.” Well, Ivanka Trump just did that.
On Sunday, Daddy’s girl tweeted about what an epic winning week her dad Pres. Donald Trump has had, but she hilariously seemed to forget that he also got hella impeached.
Canβt Miss WINS this Week:
πΊπΈ Pay raise for our troops
πΊπΈ Space Force launched
πΊπΈ Paid Leave for Federal Workers
πΊπΈ +550 M for Childcare Block Grants
πΊπΈ Permenant HBCU funding
πΊπΈ USMCA passed in the House
πΊπΈ Phase One US-China trade deal
πΊπΈ +100 M for WGDPHappy Holidays USA!
— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) December 20, 2019
Naturally, Twitter responses were brutal. B R U T A L.
πΊπΈ Daddy was impeached
πΊπΈ Daddy had a meltdown about being impeached
πΊπΈ Daddy said a dead congressman is in Hell
πΊπΈ Daddy continues to obstruct justice and lie
πΊπΈ Jared failed to bring peace to the Middle East. Again.
πΊπΈ Jared failed to bring a piece to my “Middle East.” Again.β Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) December 20, 2019
Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahajjahhahabhabababbahahahhhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahhaahhahaahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahah pic.twitter.com/YTJhm86zRN
β Lesley Abravanelπ (@lesleyabravanel) December 21, 2019
You forgot one.
β Larry Fine (@LarryFinesGhost) December 21, 2019
Pay raise for trops was long in the making. Space troops is idiocy.
Paid leave for fed workers was long in the making.
Perm HBCU funding. We know the motivation behind that.
USMCA passed in the house. TY Nancy.β thefieldnegro (@fieldnegro) December 22, 2019
Oh my God Vanks!
Who is going to tell her? pic.twitter.com/2dh96kATWjβ JP Gilmore (@realjpgil) December 20, 2019
Cant miss the #Impeachment either. πππππππππ pic.twitter.com/2ZGkJeqbjE
β PolitiTrek2 (@polititrek2) December 21, 2019
Wins for America:
Trump fines paid for charity theft
Christianity Today editorial calling for impeachment
Defending John Dingell
Christmasβ David Di Martino (@ddimartino1) December 20, 2019
β 13 (@Indy13Leigh) December 20, 2019
β Dr Strange PhDπ¬πΊπΎπ (@CeeEyes) December 21, 2019
Removal of healthcare for pre-existing conditions, defaming 2 deceased Congressmen, destroying manufacturing jobs, destroying farmers, destroying Climate Change initiatives, removing women’s rights, removing LBGTQ rights, stealing from charities, committing treason. #dirtydonald
β carolππBlueWave2020 (@chbrkr) December 21, 2019
You missed…
* Highest debt on record.
* Highest operating deficit on record.
* …..oh, and your dad got impeached.β Stuart Greenshields (@TheLordMadrigal) December 20, 2019
Featured image via Marc Nozell, Flickr