sexual abuse melvin just
I actually started writing about the documentary Just Melvin, Just Evil?-- a story about generational sexual abuse -- about eight months ago. It's an important piece, but I had to put it down. I just...
Nelson Mandela said: "There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children." If that is true, our society has a very dark soul. Portland, Oregon, like so many American...
It wasn't long after my little boy was born, about ten years ago, at the age of 25, that I found out that I was adopted. I knew a lot of people that were adopted...
letter to boyfriend family
Congratulations. You've won. You've earned your ticket into Heaven by showing your son God's love. You've shown your son God's love by not allowing him to bring me to your home for Christmas. You've done exactly...
Even if the rumors about Education Secretary Betsy DeVos' impending resignation are true, the attack upon America's teachers is just getting started. The Supreme Court announced in September it is going to hear early next year...
To date, more than 390,000 Americans have succumbed to COVID-19. As of Saturday, there are 23,644,885 confirmed cases in the United States. By the time you read this, it will be much higher, as officials warn we could...
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." One of the promises President Donald Trump made on the campaign trail was to deny millions of refugees admission to...
On April 12, 2016, then-presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) held a campaign rally at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York in which he talked about the "physiology of poverty." In other words, concern over where...
There are a number of things I wish to address about the current "bathroom controversy." 1. The President did not issue an Executive Order. That's what I keep seeing everyone post about. The U.S. Department of Justice...
When you live in a stronghold of religion surrounded by faithful churchgoers, faith healers or loyal Bar mitzvah party throwers, it may be difficult?to come up with effective ways to let people know you side...
Our judicial branch is getting quite the workout these days. The same federal court in Hawaii that blocked the second attempt at a Muslim travel ban blocked a third attempt. Lawyers are also taking on President Donald...
Schadenfreude. It's a German term meaning enjoyment obtained through others' misfortune. With each passing week of Donald Trump's presidency, I become more convinced schadenfreude is the new administration's guiding principle. Think about it. Trump targets a religion...
We see the headlines every year, particularly now, around the holidays. Hunger. In the richest country in world history--where Congress pays corporations to keep their workforces poor, where wealthy tax cheats benefit more from coronavirus pandemic relief...
In January the Obama family will be moving into a new Washington DC home. The leased home they have selected is incredibly impressive and the perfect place to end his amazing run as President. The President and his wife insisted...
When you think of someone living in poverty what comes to mind? The word "lazy" maybe? Perhaps "lack of morals" is a phrase you think of? Even the term "irresponsible" may come into play? This is the...
Visiting my grandmother became a girl’s day out event in the latter years of her life. My mom, my sister, my niece, and I would all make a day out of driving to Waldron and...
I was 17-years-old when the attacks of September 11 happened. Even though I didn't live anywhere close to New York, Washington D.C., or even Pennsylvania, I will never forget that day, and consider it a...
What would those closest to you say was the purpose of your life?
In the wake of the tax bill, President Donald Trump shifted his confrontational tactics. After the president signed the partisan legislation, the White House changed its tone. To that end, the administration announced it will...
One of the great joys of teaching is learning to see the unique beauty in every child. Teaching children with special needs makes it even more gratifying to see how children grow and thrive in their own...