baby dad crib
My daughter was a colicky baby, and she also is a person (and was even then) who needs a lot of physical closeness. She was happy lying on our chests to go to sleep at...
Republicans just love taking away women's reproductive rights. Donald Trump said that women who get abortions should be punished in some way, he suggested jail. All of the investigations have cleared Planned Parenthood of any...
Even if the rumors about Education Secretary Betsy DeVos' impending resignation are true, the attack upon America's teachers is just getting started. The Supreme Court announced in September it is going to hear early next year...
Nearly five years have passed since Casey Anthony was acquitted of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee. The controversial ruling is receiving additional scrutiny, as former private investigator Dominic Casey has come forward accusing Anthony of confessing...
Preparing a meal can be difficult for older men. They are part of a generation who worked outside of the home, and used to their wives cooking. Now, these same men in Montreal are taking cooking classes so they...
For those of us who deal with mental health issues, it can be difficult to talk about our experiences. The stigma can be horrible. Many people treat mental illness as some kind of character flaw. Those affected...
Unfortunately, there are many sick people in this world who abuse dogs. There was the famous case of Michael Vick training his dogs to fight. Because of stories like that, many people are afraid of...
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." One of the promises President Donald Trump made on the campaign trail was to deny millions of refugees admission to...
// // It was a freezing Tennessee night (18 degrees, to be exact) when Tim Lejeune, his wife, and three kids (a daughter, 16, and two sons- 15 and 5) decided it was too cold...
epic ko punch
There is much to be said about a man who would put his hands on a woman, but if that same man decides to strike a woman while in public while several people are witness...
Hilarious new Will Ferrell/Mark Wahlberg film "Daddy's Home" opens Christmas Day. Fans were treated to rare live tweet with Mark.
An Odessa, Texas family is preparing to lay a loved one to rest tomorrow. News965 reports that a woman was caught on surveillance camera yesterday stealing from their deceased family member. It appears a ring was...
baby music
Say hello to "Babypod." This small device is a speaker that can be put inside of a pregnant woman to play music for the baby. This is a bit ridiculous, just put your headphones on...
REVEALED: What Pres. Obama REALLY Does At Night
Ever wondered how President Barack Obama really spends his nights after dinner with his wife, daughters, and Bo and Sunny, their loyal companions, when they are all at the White House? Well, New York Times revealed he's...
It's almost unbearable for any parent to imagine. Just a few short months ago, Chris Picco was a husband celebrating his seventh wedding anniversary and the impending birth of his first child. Today, he is...
Caring Obama
President Obama has once again shown his unique compassion, wisdom and basic human decency, in a televised conversation with 12-year-old Jamar Taylor. Jamar suffered the traumatic ordeal of being caught in the crossfire when a sniper...
The assaults on women's reproductive rights just keep getting crueler. Earlier this year, Alabama opened the proverbial reproductive flood gates after governor Kay Ivey signed the most restrictive abortion ban in the nation that argues life begins...
After being asked about his daughters, Sasha and Malia, and their current dating status, President Obama answered with intelligence and a sense of trust for his two daughters. We have watched Sasha and Malia go from...
A casino in Maryland booted a nursing mom from its lobby after declaring her and her infant a security risk. A casino security guard told Alanna Panas that because the seven-week old baby was underage,...
An 11-year-old boy, Hector Montoya, from DeSoto, Texas has spent the last three years accumulating smoke detectors for donation. At 8-years-old, he took the money that his family gave him to buy a PlayStation 4...