Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Good Samaritan
It's not every day one gets to hear or read about deeds of Good Samaritans. Uploaded by an eye-witness, this video will make you believe in humanity again.
steve king dreamers rand paul
  In this video, two very intelligent young DREAMers approach Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) at a fundraising event?in?Okoboji, Iowa in early August.?Erika Andiola and?Cesar Vargas approach the pair peacefully, shake hands,...
A group of bipartisan senators led by John McCain (R-AZ)?and Marco Rubio (R-FL)?has reached an agreement on sweeping legislation that will completely overhaul immigration laws. Senators endorsing the new principles: Charles Schumer (D-NY) Dick Durbin (D-IL) Robert Menendez (D-NJ) Michael...
Donald Trump has landed in some hot water with his latest lie that he pressured Ford Motor to cancel a deal with Mexico. Ford Motor say they continue to have plans to invest $2.5 billion into...
While Donald Trump has been spewing out clouds of hate and intolerance regarding Hispanic immigrants in the United States, garnering both enthusiastic cheers from crowds and rising poll numbers, what he says has also caused...
Trump's hateful rhetoric typically begets hate, and this was recently demonstrated in an anti-Trump protest that became violent. Hundreds of demonstrators rallied outside the OC Fair and Event Center for the California GOP convention Friday,...
Trump is not exactly a friend of the Hispanic population. He opened his campaign back in June by calling Mexicans drug dealers and rapists. We were hopeful that this hatred would keep him from going very...
If there's one thing you can count on in this world--such as the sun rising in the East and setting in the West--it's that those who support Donald Trump are even more racist and xenophobic...
Inside Saint-Marc in Huntington Beach, California (image courtesy Saint-Marc's Facebook)
Donald Trump's rise has seen an appalling rise in discrimination and bigotry. One of the most shocking incidents of this happened last weekend in Huntington Beach, California. A Latina woman and her friends sat down...
Justice Sotomayor
Traditionally, Supreme Court Justices have had to present a neutral front, politically. They can not be vocal advocates or protestors aligned with either major party. They are executors of law after all. In light of that and in...
17-year-old Enrique Del Rosario was recently exonerated of all pending charges after a video tape was released contradicting the NYPD's version of events. On June 8, 2014 Brooklyn hosted it's annual Puerto Rican Day parade. Every...
Few are prepared to label all law enforcement officials as "racist" or "corrupt." In fact the opposite is true. Most police officers, corrections officers, lawyers, and judges are objective and law abiding. But it's that latter term--"law abiding"--that may...
Well, the campaign season must indeed be in full swing, because the longtime frontrunner, Donald Trump, has finally gotten around to releasing his first campaign ads. And they are just as full of the bigotry,...
Not long ago, you may recall, shortly after Donald Trump made his comments on Hispanic immigrants, pinatas suddenly became available bearing the likeness of the Donald. Great idea: You hang him up and whack him...
The former president of Telemundo, Nely Galan, appeared on the Fox News morning show "Fox and Friends" earlier today, and she wasted no time schooling the utterly clueless hosts. The hosts were asking Galan about how Donald...
For all the ways Joe Biden is surprising many by taking more uncharacteristically progressive stances on domestic issues, there is one area in particular where he so far bears little significant resemblance from “the former guy“. Immigration. While immigration...
Cliffside Park High School (image courtesy Jim.henderson, part of public domain)
Last week, a high school class in Cliffside Park, New Jersey played host to one of the most staggeringly racist incidents in recent memory. When a teacher overheard some of her students speaking Spanish, she...
The message is now loud and clear: anyone who fails to obey Trump will be swiftly punished. Days after Donald Trump was acquitted in his Senate impeachment trial, after reports surfaced he would go after those...
Milton Mayer (1928–29) was a journalist, reporter for the Associated Press, the Chicago Evening Post, the Chicago American, and The Progressive. In 1955, he published a seminal work titled They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 in which he analyzes how Hitler came...
Donald Trump's surge appears to have left the other candidates in the dust. He has tapped into white Republican resentment and anger. Republicans who were hoping to send an all-inclusive message to LGBTs,  Asian-American and...