How completely out of touch are Republicans when it comes to the issue of Hispanics in America? Well, consider what former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer told the Boston Globe when asked about whether or not...
Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign is going full steam ahead for a big win in Arizona.
Not content with a newly announced $2 million ad and direct mail blast, Hillary has called on super heavyweight supporters...
Misery usually loves company, but not this week. This week, even Republican megadonor Sheldon Adelson seems to have limits, and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his antics just went way over the line, according...
The latest polling numbers out of Maricopa County, Arizona, are great news for those who have been trying to oust the racist asshat of a sheriff we know by the moniker Sheriff Joe.
An Arizona Republic/Morrison/Cronkite News...
GOP State Official Thinks Donald Trump Is About To Lose Another State He Can’t Afford To Lose
Darrell Lucus
Let's not whitewash it. Donald Trump has had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad October. And it may be about to get a lot worse. A Republican official in Arizona fears that the Donald...
In most presidential campaigns, the candidates spend the majority of their time in states with close races. Especially in the last few weeks of a tight competition, experts say that the candidates should be focused on...
Fresh off his humiliating defeat in Monday night's debate, Donald Trump may be about to face another humbling moment. The city of Phoenix wants a Trump campaign ad yanked off the air for including footage of uniformed...
This election cycle has witnessed an unusual trend. Newspapers well known for being strongly Republican--reflexively so in many cases--are running away from Donald Trump in droves. Even more surprisingly, many of are so convinced that...
A student at the University of Arizona known for his slut-shaming and homophobic campus rants will be preaching from jail after assaulting a woman this week.
Known as "Brother Dean," Dean Saxton has drawn attention for...
JUST IN: GOP Uses Bullet-Riddled ‘Wanted Poster’ To Campaign For John McCain (VIDEO)
Carrie MacDonald
In a country rife with gun violence, it's disgusting when a political party talks about "second amendment remedies" or uses gun-related imagery to prove a point. That, however, is exactly what the Arizona GOP just...
The campaign to legalize marijuana in the state of Arizona is suing officials for the language in the November ballot.
Maricopa County Superior Court has been asked by the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol to...
This Mom Took Extreme Measures To Protect Her Autistic Son From Police Brutality (TWEET/VIDEO)
Katherine Ripley
A mother in the city of Henderson, Nevada has taken extreme measures to protect her autistic son from police brutality. Judy McKim has painted her house with warnings to the police. The largest one, on...
I'm watching horror so you don't have to. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gave a speech in Phoenix, Arizona about immigration following his trip to Mexico earlier this week.
He claims that our "immigration system" needs...
Donald Trump is traveling to Arizona today to finally give an address on his signature issue, immigration. After vacillating between the extreme of deporting 11 million people and "softening" his stance to be more palatable...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been having some serious trouble explaining his policies on immigration. Who should he deport, and when? How can he manage to round them all up? What the legality of that wall thing?
It's been...
A court in Arizona recently ruled that two laws that had already been repealed could not be enforced for any purpose. Both laws restricted medical abortions, those performed using drugs, not surgery. Why did Arizona taxpayers...
JUST IN: Images Of US Border Facility Shows Immigrants Wrapped In Mylar, Packed Like Sardines (VIDEO)
Paddy Maclachlan
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency is battling a lawsuit from immigrant rights advocates who have obtained a series of shocking pictures of the appalling conditions at a detention center in Tucson, Arizona.
After a year of intensive study, NASA concluded this week that a massive, unprecedented build-up of methane in the Four Corners region of south western USA has been largely caused by industrial oil and gas...
Presidential campaigns have become very homogenized over the past couple of years. States like Ohio and Florida are almost always the major battle ground states.There are also a couple of states like New Hampshire, Virginia,...
You Won’t BELIEVE How Much $$$ Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s County Is Spending To Defend His Racism (VIDEO)
Joe Chivers
The Joe Arpaio case continues to be a sickening sideshow to this year's elections, and it's a sideshow that's costing taxpayers heavily. According to The Arizona Republic, via Raw Story, the attorneys who proved that Arpaio's office...