Joe Arpaio at a 2014 campaign rally (courtesy Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons)
Donald Trump's decision to pardon former Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio can only be described as a slap in the face to the rule of law. For those who don't recall, Arpaio was awaiting...
In case you were wondering, the real victim of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville wasn't the late Heather Heyer. No, it was President Trump, and he told us so Tuesday evening during a...
Hindsight is always 20/20. Senator Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) appeared on NBC's Meet the Press this morning, and he continued with his recent campaign of distancing himself from President Donald Trump. Fresh off the release of his book, Conscience...
If you've got plans to see the Grand Canyon, do it soon, because if the Trump Administration gets its way, a lift on the ban on uranium mining might be in the near future. According to...
Arizona Senator Jeff Flake found out Wednesday evening in Mesa that his constituents are not the least bit pleased with their so-called president, and they wound up taking it out on Flake when he defended...
Trump's plan to build a $21 billion dollar wall on the U.S. - Mexico border just might be crumbling in the hands of his own party. Reality has set in for the GOP that it is a...
Conservatives like to cling to the First Amendment and freedom of speech when it serves them, but the minute you criticize one of their sacred cows, they'll act like they're completely unfamiliar with the concept...
Bills have been introduced in both the House of Representatives and the Senate that would allow telecommunication giants like Comcast and Verizon to sell their customers' internet browsing data. These bills would eliminate regulations put in...
In Maricopa County, Arizona, last weekend, some residents--including heavily armed militiamen, white nationalists, and even some elected officials--gathered for a "March for Trump" rally. Granted, not a big deal. At least not until you watch...
The activism that has been ignited by the Trump administration has once again proven its value for our troubled democracy. This time it was a loud and persistent outcry in the state of Arizona that helped...
Been to any rallies or protests lately? Have you participated in any of the myriad marches happening all over the country? Would you still go if it were illegal? Would you go if there was...
Congresswoman Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) officially confiscated the Patriot cards of Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert and the rest of his Republican cohorts for refusing to hold town hall meetings and answer to their constituents. Gohmert's cowardice...
You know things are looking dicey when even a Republican stalwart is melting down over the chaos in the White House. Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona is the Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee....
Former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer just loves to try and remain politically relevant by appearing on cable news to spread her message of exclusion, hatred, and intolerance. But after an appearance on CNN Sunday, she...
This asshole is at it again. RWNJ Arizona hate-pastor Steven Anderson talked about the death of pop star George Michael. He thinks George Michael is burning in hell right now for being a "pervert" and a...
birthday party
These Arizona teens are a whole new level of "mean girl." They decorated cupcakes with swastikas at a Jewish teen's birthday party. Apparently, the offenders did it to be "funny." Holocaust jokes are not okay, people....
Continuing a trend of excessive force caught on camera, a police officer from Flagstaff, Arizona, was filmed on cellphone video punching a woman in the face. When Flagstaff Police Officer, Jeff Bonar recognized a woman who...
Even though the Trump campaign tries desperately to deny that many of their supporters are racist jackasses, the actions of some acolytes who support the GOP nominee continue to prove otherwise. Take for example a man...
It is amazing how Trump Jr., known for his rich boy attitude, would suddenly feel the need to get out and help push a stalled car while campaigning in, the now swing state, Arizona. Of course,...
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has repeatedly said he'll build a wall between the United States and Mexico. It's part of his plan to prevent people from entering our country illegally, and his supporters have been...