Right-wing extremist groups are on the rise. Although one might be tempted to assume their activity is confined mostly to social outcasts languishing in their basements on 4Chan message boards, recently leaked membership data from the neo-Confederate...
Republicans don't need to wait until they hold a congressional majority again to wreak havoc on democracy. We needn't look further than state-level legislation tailored specifically to criminalize First Amendment-protected free speech, suppress voting, and stifle...
Despite being accused of "doing nothing," when Democrats reclaimed control of the House of Representatives in 2019, they wasted no time in passing a slew of legislation. The first, and arguably the most necessary, was HR1,...
Republican state legislatures all over the country are aggressively trying to make voting harder. As the Brennan Center for Justice reports, currently 28 states have 106 pending bills to restrict access to ballot boxes. Contrast this to...
This past spring, while COVID-19 ripped through mostly Democratic states like New York, Washington, and New Jersey, the American South had yet to feel its full brunt. Later that season, though, into the summer, everything began...
Tahnee Gonzales and Liz Danenhauer's mugshots (image courtesy Tempe Police Department via Daily Kos)
Earlier this week, we learned that two rabidly pro-Donald Trump women from Tempe, Arizona recorded themselves trashing a mosque. If that wasn't disturbing enough, they had several kids in tow, and were actively training them...
Congressman Andy Biggs with a staffer (image courtesy Biggs' Facebook)
Donald Trump is a clear and present threat to democracy and the Constitution. That was established not only beyond reasonable doubt, but beyond ALL doubt on Monday, when he declared that Democrats who didn't applaud...
Arizona State Capitol (image courtesy 2candle, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)
There have been some pretty shameful and disturbing displays of out-and-out racism since Donald Trump's upset victory. But one of the worst to date may have taken place on Thursday at the Arizona State Capitol....
Joe Arpaio at a 2014 campaign rally (courtesy Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons)
For the better part of the last two years, whenever anyone has dared to speak out against Donald Trump, he or she runs the risk of being attacked by pro-Trump trolls. They're of the mind...
Trent Franks at a campaign rally in 2014 (image courtesy Gage Skidmore, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)
On Thursday, most of the attention on Capitol Hill was focused on Senator Al Franken falling on his sword and resigning in the face of multiple accusations that he fondled women both before and during...
The battle for the soul of the GOP continues to rage. Senator Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) continues to be at the forefront of that battle, as he appeared at a rally in Mesa, Arizona on Saturday....
Congressman Paul Gosar (image courtesy Gosar's Facebook)
The most unhinged moment from a Republican not named Donald Trump comes from, of all places, rural Arizona. The Congressman for much of that area is under the delusion that a Holocaust survivor is a...
Arizona GOP Senator John McCain is not a fan of President Trump. And he also doesn't suffer fools gladly, as he proved Tuesday evening when Fox News reporter Peter Doocy stuck a microphone in his...
It's been said we are a nation of laws. In the Trump era, resistance does not only come from protesters marching with signs and slogans. It also comes from the courts. On Wednesday, San Francisco federal judge Elizabeth...
Krysten Sinema (image courtesy Sinema's Facebook)
It's no secret that Arizona's junior Senator, Jeff Flake, was going to have his work cut out for him to win a second term. He's got potential Republican primary challengers circling him like sharks, and...
Seeing as how he knows virtually nothing about how the federal government works or the powers of the different branches--executive, judicial, and legislative--it may come as one hell of a surprise when President Trump learns...
Ever since President Trump issued a pardon to controversial former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Friday, most Republicans--including Speaker of the House Paul Ryan--have said Trump shouldn't have pardoned Sheriff Joe, who had been convicted...
The Senate leaders of both the Republicans and Democrats are offering criticism for President Donald Trump in the wake of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's controversial pardon. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) wasn't about to let Trump's...
President Donald Trump's decision to pardon disgraced Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio is drawing immense criticism from both sides of the aisle. Democrats and Republicans alike have offered their condemnation of the pardon, and Harvard law professor...
There was already no doubt that Donald Trump's decision to pardon former Maricopa County, Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio was outrageous. It had the effect of allowing Arpaio to escape being held to account for his unconstitutional...