Donald Trump on the campaign trail in Phoenix (image courtesy Gage Skidmore, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)
Last week, Hillary Clinton unveiled one of her most devastating ads of the campaign. It features clips of girls and women looking in the mirror amid snippets of Donald Trump degrading women over the years. In...
Just when you think you've heard it all, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump outdoes himself with a special message to the terminally ill. How? He orders the terminally ill to stay alive long enough to...
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid publicly attacked Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump on Thursday. In a call with reporters, Sen. Reid accused Trump of destroying Atlantic City with his business dealings. Sen. Reid also slammed...
I often wish that I could go back in time. Naturally, I'd like to go back to the days when my children were small. I'd like to bring my Dad back. More than either of those,...
The Trump International Hotel Las Vegas (image courtesy ZooFari, part of public domain)
During his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump said he was running to stop the powerful from beating up on "those who cannot defend themselves." Well, mere hours before making that speech,...
Phoukeo Dej-Oudom made attempts to ensure safety for herself and her three children just three weeks before they became subject of a quadruple murder suicide. Phoukeo Dej-Oudom and her children were murdered on June 29....
It seems that Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders supporters took a page out of the Republicans playbook Saturday, May 14. At the Nevada State Democratic Party, which goes from May 13 to May 15, things...
The sign that greeted Franklin Graham in Carson City (image courtesy Canyonwalker Connections)
Franklin Graham has used his father's good name and goodwill to become a water carrier for the religious right. But if there was any doubt that Graham fils has gone off the rails, it was...
A federal grand jury in Nevada has indicted deadbeat rancher Cliven Bundy on charges including conspiracy, assaulting a federal officer, and obstruction of justice in connection with a 2014 standoff on federal land located near...
For Hillary Clinton, the 2016 campaign must be starting to seem like a horrible rerun of what happened in 2008 when she lost the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama. And the news remains grim for the...
Take a good look at the adorable 17-month-old little girl you see in the photo above. Does she look dangerous to you? No, of course she doesn't. But police in Henderson, Nevada, turned a police...
Frijoles & Frescas is a taco shop in Las Vegas. They do a nice business, and their food looks delicious. But despite their success, the restaurant was robbed a few days ago. Sure, most businesses would...
Tonight, the candidates all vying to the the Republican's nominee for President will gather in Las Vegas. They will (supposedly) be debating national security. After Donald Trump's xenophobic and racist rants over the past few months,...
What's it going to take before Trump rallies begin to rally behind a little decency?
Assemblywoman Michele Fiore claims a lot of tough talk, but is such rhetoric more likely or unlikely to escalate domestic and international tensions, leading to more terrorist attacks?
A Las Vegas man has been indicted by a federal grand jury for threatening to shoot or hang President Obama and/or members of the United States Congress. On Wednesday, the grand jury formally indicted Tyrone Paul Ponthieux...
Michele Fiore with Rafael Cruz (image courtesy Fiore's Facebook)
Earlier this year, we told you about one of the most unhinged state legislators in the nation, Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore. This is a woman who thinks women would be safer on college campuses if...
No doubt you still recall a moment from earlier this week when a woman stood up at a Donald Trump campaign event in Las Vegas, held up a copy of People magazine with Trump on...
At a campaign stop on Nevada Tuesday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was taking questions from the audience when an adorable little girl with curly hair rose to ask about a very serious matter...
2016 GOP Presidential contender Rand Paul may live to regret the trip he made to Nevada this week more than he can possibly imagine. While he was in Nevada campaigning, Senator Paul also paid a visit...