True or false: New York has one of the most progressive voting systems in the nation. Yes, New York's governor, Andrew Cuomo, is a Democrat. Yes, New York is a solidly "blue state," like California, Vermont, and...
Yes, you read that correctly. A woman in Midtown, New York City was wearing traditional Muslim garb, and someone set her on fire. The unnamed 36-year-old woman had her blouse set on fire. On Sunday, we remembered...
Let's face it: Obama has moved on without us, and it hurts. We've seen him sailing the ocean seas and and sharing hot tubs with smiling individuals. He's been on a post-presidential vacation, and he...
Now that winter is swinging into full effect, one Buffalo, N.Y., church is making sure everyone in its community is staying warm by converting an old school bus into a clothing pantry, offering hats, gloves,...
Reports are popping up on Facebook and Reddit that New York voters who have been registered Democrat — sometimes for years — are now listed as not enrolled to vote or not registered in a...
Although some argue it is too early to start talking about the 2020 presidential election when we still have to turn Congress blue next year, talk about who the Democrats might run against President Donald Trump...
45 Q Anon supporters are running for congressional seats in next year’s mid-term election. Seriously. But it gets worse. Hoping to join them are fellow Trumpistas who participated in the January 6 domestic terror attack on the Capitol intending to violently subvert...
Shia Lebouf is in the news again this week, this time because his anti-Trump art exhibit has been shut down. The actor-turned-activist was recently arrested there after a tense conflict with a Trump supporter, and...
This has been some week in the Trump/Russia connection. On Monday, Donald Trump committed treason by siding with Moscow over Russian meddling in the 2016 American presidential election. On Wednesday, the New York Times broke a story confirming Trump was presented two weeks before his...
In last week's New York Democratic primary, an obscure 28-year-old Democratic Socialist from the Bronx with no prior political experience upended the Democratic establishment by unseating incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus. You've...
As musician Bob Dylan sang in 1964, "The times they are a-changing." In January, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported union membership in the United States in 2021 at 10.3 percent while the number of unionized...
Mike Cernovich on the seaside (image courtesy Cernovich's Facebook)
As most of us know by now, a certain element of Donald Trump's base thinks that daring to speak out against the Donald is nothing short of treasonous. For the last two years, reporters and...
Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed 231 to 198 the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017, allowing concealed carry permit holders to transport their weapons across state lines. As a result, rifts are forming between legislators in even solidly...
  On an unseasonably warm but? balmy Christmas Eve night, what started out as a harmless video stunt that brought laughter to many in the past called #DanceDare made popular by TV show host Ellen DeGneneres...
Former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani said on Thursday he’s voting for fellow New Yorker Donald Trump in the Republican primary slated for April 19. In a report by the New York Post, Guiliani was quoted...
As part of Pride month, the gym brand Equinox, has made a video expanding the acronym LGBTQ into the entire alphabet. However it has left one group feeling quite excluded. The clever video is visually appealing...
Antonio Delgado is young--41. He graduated with honors from Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, earning a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford. He earned a law degree from Harvard. Now he is running for a House seat representing New York's...
We are not even one year away from 2018 mid-term elections, and already some are getting nervous about Democrats' prospects of reclaiming the White House from President Donald Trump in 2020. Some argue it is too early to...
While it's long been believed Jared Kushner was brought aboard Team Trump during the 2016 campaign because he was married to Ivanka, it now seems that Kushner may have been invited because, much like his...
This video goes to prove what I've been saying over and over again when it comes to police abuse of power, police brutality and harassment. It's not about race, it's about power. It's the police...