Ted Cruz loves to pretend he's a deeply religious and moral person, the champion of so-called "conservative values." He's fought against same-sex marriage, women's reproductive rights, and every progressive piece of legislation that's been introduced...
Jim Bakker And Rick Joyner Say ‘Sin And Wickedness’ Turned Houston Into A Lake (VIDEO)
Darrell Lucus
Days after the September 11 attacks, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson claimed the planes crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon because of abortion and gays. They were deservedly sliced, diced, and julienned...
Last week, Joel Osteen, the nation's most infamous spokesman for the prosperity gospel, treated the nation to a crash course in how a pastor should not respond to a major tragedy. Osteen, for those who don't...
Residents of southeast Texas are working to get their lives back in order after Hurricane Harvey this week. The region is dealing with an array of environmental problems because of the storm.
The Environmental Protection Agency...
A federal court in Texas struck down a controversial anti-abortion law. The law in question would have limited second-trimester abortions by outlawing the dilation and evacuate (D&E) procedure.
US District Judge Lee Yeakel said in his...
The people of Houston need all the help they can get.
And, yes, they will be receiving it from Quebec, contrary to initial reports.
Tuesday afternoon, Quebec Minister of International Relations, Christine St-Pierre, spoke with Texas Secretary of State Rolando...
Trump Tells Shelter Filled With Hurricane Victims To ‘Have A Good Time’–Twitter Responds Harshly
Liberal America
On Saturday, President Trump visited Texas again, choosing to actually meet with victims of Hurricane Harvey. Earlier in the week, Trump had visited the state but didn't talk to a single person who had been...
Dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey is bad enough.
Now we learn Texas has another problem--chemical poisoning.
Thursday morning, the Arkema chemical plant in Crosby, about 25 miles northeast of Houston, experienced two explosions, releasing organic peroxides...
On Thursday, President Trump announced that he would donate $1 million to the relief effort for Hurricane Harvey, which has ravaged Southeast Texas, especially Houston. Trump did the same thing in 2012 when Hurricane Sandy...
Immediately after Hurricane Harvey began hitting the state of Texas last Friday, Mexico graciously offered whatever "help and cooperation" they could offer for the Lone Star State during the crisis. Oddly, the Trump administration never...
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made an appearance on CNN this morning, and boy, did he have some things to say about hurricanes. Specifically he wanted to vent his anger about Texas GOP Senator Ted...
President Donald Trump made it down to Texas earlier this week to survey damage and flood recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.
Ever the showman, however, Trump made sure to mention the size of...
Abortion opponents like to say that they want to defend the sanctity of life. But it has been amply established that, at bottom, the anti-abortion movement has nothing to do with the sanctity of life. For...
George Takei Brilliantly Responds To Ann Coulter’s Climate Change Denial Theories (TWEETS)
Chris Walker
The devastating flooding in Texas following the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey has brought forth some questions about what role global climate change may have played. But conservative pundit Ann Coulter is still peddling the errant beliefs...
Idiot Boy Fox Host Jesse Watters Falls For Fake Houston Shark Photo And Gets Humiliated
Liberal America
Even though they only broadcast right-wing propaganda on behalf of President Trump and his GOP flunkies, Fox News is good for one thing: Making us laugh at their expense.
One of the most annoying and ignorant...
As of Monday night, meteorologists estimate that Hurricane Harvey has dumped 20 to 40 inches of rain on the Houston area, and rainfall totals could reach as much as 50 inches by the end of the week--enough...
While President Trump loves to pretend that he's in charge and taking care of the business of the country, a photo has come to light that proves otherwise:
On the left, you can clearly see Vice...
On Sunday, the Foreign Minister of Mexico, Luis Videgaray, called Texas Governor Greg Abbott to offer aid to victims of Hurricane Harvey, which is causing unprecedented flooding in many cities. Later, the Mexican Foreign Ministry issued a...
President Donald Trump has based his entire political career on opposing everything former President Barack Obama accomplished. From Trump's failed attempts to destroy the Affordable Care Act, the racist birther conspiracies, and especially his outright rejection...
As you sit here reading this, Hurricane Harvey is inundating Texas.
This is pretty ironic--and poignant--considering a new study published in Science magazine titled "Estimating Economic Damage from Climate Change in the United States" finds the Southeastern states, the ones...