Kurt Eichenwald (screenshot courtesy MSNBC via Mediaite)
Of all the outrageous cases of violence that have taken place since Donald Trump's upset victory, few have been nearly as terrifying as what happened to Newsweek reporter Kurt Eichenwald. On the night of December 15-16,...
As primaries for November's mid-term elections happen all over the country, our attentions are again on election integrity. We are all aware by now Russia had an enormous hand in influencing the outcome of 2016. And although...
Did Dallas, Texas police officer Amber Guyger accidentally park on the wrong floor of her South Side Flats apartment complex and enter Botham Jean's unlocked apartment assuming it was hers? Did Guyger struggle with the lock before...
Jill Buckley once said this about Ann Richards, and I find that it is a very apt description. "She's sort of the female good old boy." From 1991 to 1995, Ann Richards was the Texas governor. She cut...
At a time when it’s been proven that conservatives used false propaganda to get elected, the recent revision of a mandatory abortion book in Texas is found to be loaded with lies. Some people in America...
Many may have been assigned in high school the legendary science fiction author Ray Bradbury's inimitable 1953 dystopic novel Fahrenheit 451. If not, briefly, it's a story about a future America in which books are banned, and...
Notorious conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones, leveraged a double-edged sword against Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas). Utilizing his media platform, Infowars, Jones released a video of Barton masturbating. The video followed TMZ's release of a sexually natured...
Storms about to brew
It was a Christmas week to forget for folks living in the Dallas area of Texas as at least 11 people have been confirmed dead as huge storms swept through Texas. These floods which spawned tornadoes and blizzards blew off rooftops, uprooted trees and left destruction in their wake.
abortion clinics
A mere 72 hours after making marriage equality the law of the land, the Supreme Court may be poised to make fundie heads explode once again. In 2013, Texas passed a draconian abortion law that,...
Residents of southeast Texas are working to get their lives back in order after Hurricane Harvey this week. The region is dealing with an array of environmental problems because of the storm. The Environmental Protection Agency...
Since the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) demonstrated its monarchical authority over democracy again in December by failing to defend the landmark 1973 Roe versus Wade case that legalized abortion, right-wing states are racing against each...
First Baptist Church of Sunderland Springs (image courtesy church Facebook)
On Sunday morning, just as the morning service at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas was getting underway, a black-clad gunman walked in armed with an AR-15 clone and started shooting. He wound up...
First Baptist Church of Sunderland Springs (image courtesy church Facebook)
On Monday night, we learned beyond any doubt that Sunday's horrific shooting at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas was completely preventable. The gunman, Devin Patrick Kelley, had been court-martialed in 2012 for assaulting his...
On this sacrosanct day on which we celebrate the inimical Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's timeless legacy, it's normal to reflect on the ways in which Dr. King would be disappointed with the current occupant...
jon stewart rick perry
Texas Gov. Rick Perry could go to jail for decades. We don't really think he will. These scoundrels rarely see justice. But we're all still having a heck of a time watching this story?unfold, and...
President Donald Trump made it down to Texas earlier this week to survey damage and flood recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Ever the showman, however, Trump made sure to mention the size of...
The people of Houston need all the help they can get. And, yes, they will be receiving it from Quebec, contrary to initial reports. Tuesday afternoon, Quebec Minister of International Relations, Christine St-Pierre, spoke with Texas Secretary of State Rolando...
26 people are dead in Sutherland Springs, Texas, the result of a mass shooting at a Baptist church, but a Fox News host said Monday morning that church was the best place to be killed...
Despite promoting a racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic, oligarchic, anti-democratic agenda, the modern-day republican party has a distinct advantage over the Democratic party. It's in the messaging. "Build the Wall". "Lock Her Up". "Make America Great Again". "States' Rights" (although they...
moses is a founding father in texas history books
Upfront: don't be put off by the length of this article. I've broken it down for you?with bullets and I've highlighted the key takeaways. It's an important read. Your kid's life probably depends on it,...