Although technically not over yet, summer is behind us.
And with September comes students and teachers back at school.
But this year might be different for America's traditionally underappreciated educators.
After teachers in Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arizona, North Carolina,...
A Teacher Asked Her Students To Write To An Author. Kurt Vonnegut Wrote Back This
Tiffany Willis Clark
In 2006 an Xavier High School English teacher named Ms. Lockwood gave her students an assignment: write a letter to a famous author. The instructions were to discuss the author's work and ask for advice....
Exploiting Fears of ‘CRT’ and Other ‘Inappropriate’ Material, Some Schools Boards Now Propose Burning Books
Ted Millar
Many may have been assigned in high school the legendary science fiction author Ray Bradbury's inimitable 1953 dystopic novel Fahrenheit 451.
If not, briefly, it's a story about a future America in which books are banned, and...
For-profit colleges are like Encyclopedia Britannica -- stupidly expensive, practically useless, and only obtained through exploitative means. The recruiter of, say, the University of Phoenix may as well be dressed in a brown tweed suit...
In America, we believe everyone should be educated.
An educated populace is the backbone of democracy.
To that end, we promise to all children the right to a free public education, regardless of socioeconomic status, disability, or...
This past spring, while COVID-19 ripped through mostly Democratic states like New York, Washington, and New Jersey, the American South had yet to feel its full brunt.
Later that season, though, into the summer, everything began...
Even if the rumors about Education Secretary Betsy DeVos' impending resignation are true, the attack upon America's teachers is just getting started.
The Supreme Court announced in September it is going to hear early next year...
Taking a stand against bad governance is quite easy. All that's needed to spark demonstrations is for government to repeal positive policies enacted by previous governments and in their places, enact unfriendly laws.
However, what happens when...
Liberty Alumni Send Powerful Message to Trump-Worshiping University President (AUDIO/TWEETS)
Darrell Lucus
A lot of religious right leaders have remained loyal to Donald Trump in the face of the almost daily outrages from his administration. That includes perhaps the biggest outrage of all that isn't Russia-related--his equivocating stand...
The discussion about race in America is far from over. It should be a common topic of discussion for folks of all races, genders, and backgrounds. And yet it often gets relegated to being a...
Jason Kenney has recently been elected leader of the Progressive Conservative party in Alberta, Canada. He has already courted controversy with remarks about informing parents of their children's membership of groups such as the Gay-Straight Alliance.
We've all heard stories about kids literally being hounded to suicide by long and sustained campaigns of bullying. But The Washington Post recently uncovered a scary phenomenon in which bullying can kill--literally. In recent years,...
It seems that, once again, the state of Florida is on pace to establish itself as a leader in America's growing authoritarian movement.
Banning schools from teaching anything that might resemble an appreciation for racial diversity...
New Mexico has passed a law outlawing the act of shaming children for not having enough money for lunch.
One child in Alabama actually got a stamp on his arm saying, "I need lunch money."
The father...
America is really screwed at the moment, staring down the barrel of a gun it pointed at its own head. The problem isn't merely the racists, the science deniers, the Religious Right, or the modern...
We are at an interesting time in our history.
We will not soon forget the 2016 election and whatever transpired or will transpire over the next couple of years.
But President Donald Trump's ascendancy is not a...
Poisoned Water Isn’t The Only Problem: Meet Flint’s ‘Appalling’ Community Schools (VIDEO)
Dylan Hock
Unless you've been living under a gold-plated rock, you've most likely read at some point of the dismal conditions in which students attend public school in Detroit, Michigan. You've also likely heard that the city...
In fewer than 100 days in office, President Donald Trump has managed to get himself a personal FBI investigation, a tepid-at-best relationship with allies Germany and Australia, not one but two federal court blockages of his Muslim...
Everything You Think You Know About How To Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Is Wrong (VIDEO)
Liberal America
Quick quiz: what's the best way to prevent child sexual abuse?
It's devastating to think about, something no parent or loved one would ever want to consider. And yet thinking about how to prevent it is one...
Expect the next resignation from President Donald Trump's administration to come fairly soon.
But it's probably not going to be over Russian collusion, money laundering, or lying to the FBI.
This resignation may occur over "lack of...