BREAKING: ‘Good Guy With A Gun’ TX Sheriff Deputy Shot, Killed When He Was Robbed (VIDEO)
Stephanie Kuklish
Another case of gun violence in America rocked small rural Travis County, Texas in the early morning hours on Monday. At 1:32 a.m., the Travis County Sheriff's Department arrived on the scene, but they were too late. Longtime...
Racist George Zimmerman Yells ‘N***er Lover,’ Falsely Accuses Black Man Of Assault (VIDEO)
Ellen Brodsky
Fortunately, George Zimmerman didn’t pull out a gun when he had his latest racist meltdown. This one happened at a cigar bar after the manager took the side of a Black man Zimmerman claimed assaulted...
Donald Trump is posting all kinds of crazy stuff on his social media accounts. He posted this on his Facebook yesterday morning:
He was lying about those numbers. The Chicago Police Department says that there have only...
Yesterday, as the country was still reeling from the thirtieth mass shooting in the first 45 days of the year, the eighteenth school shooting, I decided to look up how much the Republican, John Faso (NY-19),...
Being invested in toting along your favorite firearm isn't exactly a tradition in the interview process. However, a Florida man thought it pertinent to strap a .22 Magnum to his hip before an interview at Oscar...
Once again we find ourselves in the midst of political debate regarding mass shootings. The latest of which occurred at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. And once again, everyone from politicians to pathetic people...
In the wake of Sunday's horrific event that became known as America's deadliest mass shooting to date, the American Medical Association is taking action. The AMA says that it will adopt a new policy, categorizing gun violence...
Trump Celebrates High-Profile Murder Of A Black Woman – Then Uses It To Get Votes (TWEETS, VIDEO)
David Nelms
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump does not seem to understand proper social behavior.
Of course, this is nothing new for him and his campaign. He's publicly offended nearly every minority group multiple times over the course...
Welcome to the Liberal Conservative's look at the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution better known as the Bill of Rights, part 2 of 10!
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security...
On Tuesday, a road rage incident along Interstate 40 in Albuquerque took a horrifying turn when a man driving a Toyota fired into a truck, killing a four-year-old girl. Just hours after police released more...
Donald Trump has said and done a lot of outrageous and offensive things since launching his bid to buy the presidency. Remember, this is a guy who finds it acceptable to plaster a private cell...
Tonight, the candidates all vying to the the Republican's nominee for President will gather in Las Vegas. They will (supposedly) be debating national security.
After Donald Trump's xenophobic and racist rants over the past few months,...
I Just Blocked A Lifelong Friend Over ‘God And Guns’ — He Became Someone I Didn’t Know
Tiffany Willis Clark
This morning, I lit up my Facebook timeline and my conservative friends when I posted this simple and (I think) discussion-worthy question:
The responses and discussion is heated, and that's OK. But a lifelong friend (a guy...
A new video, published yesterday, Oct.20, on the NRA News YouTube channel, says that the odds of anyone needing a gun to protect their life is basically miniscule. Almost impossible really. One has to wonder...
Way back in 1934, the U.S. government was concerned about the number of machine guns and sawed off shotguns being used for criminal activities. That concern lead Congress to pass its first gun control law, called...
The name Andy Hallinan may not ring any bells, but his past actions probably will:
Hallinan banned all Muslims from his gun store in 2015
Earlier this year, Hallinan posted a photo of himself defacing...
General David Petraeus knows a lot about life in the military. The General served for 37 years in the U.S. Army. He served for a year as the director of the CIA.
The General understands the pressures...
Oh, those Trumpsters! What a fun bunch they are!
Mother Jones is shedding some new light on all the exciting shenanigans planned for the upcoming Republican Convention in Cleveland. Are you ready?
James Klein is a Trump delegate...
There is an increase in gun violence, and the shooters are – toddlers!
Deadly shootings involving toddlers are in fact more common than people would think. Just in the last few weeks, there have been at...
Too often, politicians use fear to get what they want. Lobbyist also use the same tactic successfully. Think: “They’re coming for our guns!” When they put fear and money together to advance their cause, it can...