2018 mid-term elections are weeks away.
Are you registered to vote?
Do you know where your polling place is?
Why don't you take a moment to check.
Ten years ago the Republican party was licking its wounds after the...
As primaries for November's mid-term elections happen all over the country, our attentions are again on election integrity.
We are all aware by now Russia had an enormous hand in influencing the outcome of 2016.
And although...
38 days.
That's all that's left until mid-term elections.
There are those who argue elections don't matter, that the fix is in.
And while right-wing billionaires like the notorious Koch brothers and the Mercers are prepared to spend up to $400 million to prove...
Election Fraud Confirmed: AZ Voters’ Registrations Magically Switched, Says Sec. Of State
Liberal America
Is anyone really surprised that Arizona’s Secretary of State Michele Reagan confirmed the March 22 Arizona presidential primary in Maricopa County was riddled with election fraud, just as voters alleged? It’s no wonder really, especially when you...
This week has brought another victory for opponents to superdelegates, Democratic leaders and elected officials who make up about 15% of the total vote for the Democratic presidential nominee.
We previously reported how Maine had said...
True or false: New York has one of the most progressive voting systems in the nation.
Yes, New York's governor, Andrew Cuomo, is a Democrat.
Yes, New York is a solidly "blue state," like California, Vermont, and...
Lady Liberty stood proud for her country yesterday as she was arrested in Washington, D.C.
An image of the woman, one of 3,600 people pledged to be at the #DemocracySpring peaceful protest against corporate money in...
In his speech last Thursday afternoon commemorating the first anniversary of the attempted coup against our government, President Joe Biden said:
“Rioters rampaging, waving for the first time inside this Capitol, the confederate flag that symbolized the...
Get Ready–The Koch Brothers Are Prepared To Dump Record Sums Into 2018 Mid-Term Elections
Ted Millar
Know anyone who still thinks elections don't matter?
If so, ask that person why right-wing billionaires like the notorious Koch brothers are prepared to spend up to $400 million on upcoming mid-term congressional races, 60 percent more than...
United States politicians, particularly Republicans, have an unhealthy dependence on Koch money. From fueling their campaign war chests, to raising support for unpopular?proposals such as the Keystone Pipeline and the repeal of the ACA (better...
WATCH: Supreme Court Finally Agrees To Weigh In On The Corrosive Effects of Gerrymandering
Ted Millar
The Supreme Court is once again stepping in to determine whether an electoral procedure as old as the republic violates the Constitution.
Monday, the nation's highest court announced it will begin looking into gerrymandered election maps for evidence of discrimination...
Fox Accidentally Has Guests That Insist On Being Truthful – Results Are Hilarious (VIDEO)
Brett Banks
Media Matters for America has done it again. They decided to make a timeless video compilation of several times the clowns over at Fox News have been owned on TV. This of course led to one of...
VoteBuilder, the demographic data aggregator, has proven to be the catalyst for tensions between the Bernie Sanders campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
VoteBuilder is the party's demographics engine. The service receives voter data- i.e. whether...
Everyone wants to know what the Russians did to screw up our Presidential election. Everyone wants to know what the CIA knows about what the Russians did. And we want to know what the FBI...
A new poll from Public Policy Polling (PPP) in Raleigh, NC, shows that North Carolina has had a dramatic decline in how it is viewed nationally. During that period, Republicans have gained power with both...
DHS Cybersecurity Head: ‘No Doubt’ Russia Hacked Several States In The 2016 Election (Video)
Ted Millar
It's confirmed.
Russia officially penetrated several states' voter rolls during the 2016 election.
This is according to Jeanette Manfra, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) head of cybersecurity, who stated in an interview with NBC News:
"We saw a targeting of 21 states and an...
Randomly stop any individual at work, on the street, or anywhere else, and ask his or her opinion of the government.
You're bound to receive responses like:
"Government is too big."
"The government screws up everything."
"There's too much...
For weeks, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has been whining that the election is being "rigged" against him. He even called the presidential debates "rigged."
Now, I guess his ego is so YUGE because he wants...
President Donald Trump has formed a commission.
It's not looking into shenanigans Russia is alleged to have engaged in during the election. It isn't going to probe institutional racism in policing those responsible for extra-judicial killings...
Resistance is not futile.
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump announced an end to the controversial Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (PACEI), convened in the spring to feed into Trump’s fiction about three to five-million illegal voters casting fraudulent ballots last...