We all must register to vote in our states. It can be a hassle and can even keep voters from exercising their constitutional rights if they get caught up in some red tape.
Oregon Governor Kate...
Indiana was very good to Bernie Sanders (and Donald Trump), but it wasn't a total surprise. Like some of the other states Sanders has won, Indiana has an open primary--Independents can vote in the Republican...
What's going on, America? How did we come to this? How is the most vile, bombastic candidate to ever run on the Republican ticket besting the Democrats? In case you've been hiding in a cave...
The other day a spokesperson for President-elect Trump declared that there's "no such things as facts." She was describing the Trump camp's view of our post-election world.
There are no such things as facts.
What. The....
DHS Cybersecurity Head: ‘No Doubt’ Russia Hacked Several States In The 2016 Election (Video)
Ted Millar
It's confirmed.
Russia officially penetrated several states' voter rolls during the 2016 election.
This is according to Jeanette Manfra, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) head of cybersecurity, who stated in an interview with NBC News:
"We saw a targeting of 21 states and an...
The moment many have been anticipating came Thursday morning when Donald Trump tweeted:
Every word of this is false.
Not to mention, absentee voting is mail-in voting, but anyway...
The good news: the President of the United States does not have...
So far in the 2016 campaign, we've been focused on personalities. The questions being tossed around run the gamut, but include:
Is Donald Trump crazy or just putting on an act?
How trustworthy is either...
Twas the night before Trump's inauguration, when all through Facebook, over 200 thousand people were watching a live broadcast. It began:
"This is a crime story.
The perpetrators: a pack of political operatives and the billionaires in the...
In a surprising but monumental move by an Ohio Federal Judge, a restraining order was issued against the Donald Trump campaign to prevent any campaign workers from intimidating or harassing voters at the polls on...
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has spent much of the past two weeks engaged in a hotly contested battle to see which of his numbers can drop further: his odds of winning the presidency, or the...
Despite being accused of "doing nothing," when Democrats reclaimed control of the House of Representatives in 2019, they wasted no time in passing a slew of legislation.
The first, and arguably the most necessary, was HR1,...
Thanks To Three Democratic Senators, Trump’s ‘Election Fraud’ Commission Will Be Investigated (Video)
Ted Millar
There is so much going on already this week for which we progressives should be thankful.
But if you're able to tear yourself away from Paul Manafort's indictment, here is something else to look forward to.
Havard Law Professor Larry Lessig announced Monday that he would be ending his bid for the Democratic nomination. In a video posted to YouTube, Lessig cited his reasons for ending his campaign, saying:
"From the start,...
At least one poll shows that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has evened odds against his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. The most recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, released Friday, shows a fairly even split between the two...
As primaries for November's mid-term elections happen all over the country, our attentions are again on election integrity.
We are all aware by now Russia had an enormous hand in influencing the outcome of 2016.
And although...
U.S. Department Of Justice To Sue North Carolina For Discriminatory Bill (UPDATED)
Tiffany Willis Clark
Alas. There is finally something right happening in North Carolina's General Assembly.
Attorney General Eric Holder has announced a lawsuit today, filed by the U.S. Department of Justice, to stop North Carolina's new discriminatory voting law....
In an effort to undermine the Electoral College and oppose a Donald Trump presidency, about a half-dozen Democratic electors are planning on changing their votes and lobbying their Republican counterparts to do the same.
The Hamilton...
There are plenty of reasons to think that on November 8 our votes won't be counted accurately. And in many places, hacking the vote could be accomplished without leaving any evidence behind. The reason: No paper trail...
There is a nefarious force out there actively working to rob you of your right to vote, speak freely, and rest comfortably under sacrosanct constitutional protections we typically take for granted.
That force has a name--ALEC.
ALEC is...
Charles Koch is not here for your accusations that he is going to support Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, this election cycle. He put rumors to rest - a rumor that proliferated after he said that...