The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is forcing us to reconsider how we conduct our daily lives, manage our economy, and interact with each other. After Congress passed a $2 trillion package to help mitigate the economic havoc, ...
Super Tuesday is upon us, and the Republican party is wasting no time doing what it does best every election--disenfranchising minorities who consistently vote Democratic. We turn our sights to Texas, where, since 2012 more polling...
Former FBI director James Comey asserted during his Senate Intelligence Committee hearing in June 2017: “We’re talking about a foreign government that using technical intrusion, lots of other methods, tried to shape the way we think,...
When former Vice President Al Gore "lost" the 2000 presidential election to then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush after the Supreme Court ordered Florida to stop its contentious re-count,  many argued the Electoral College had finally...
The Republican party has not legitimately won the White House since Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1950s. Even though November 2018’s mid-term election results were historic, it does not mean the GOP has forgotten how to cheat to win. From foreign trolls and...
The Republican party has not legitimately won the White House since Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1950s. Even though November's mid-term election results were historic, it does not mean the GOP has forgotten how to cheat to...
Republicans know most Americans find their policies odious, so in order to win, they cheat through voter I.D. laws, voter suppression, and plain old policies designed to do one thing--rig the system in their favor. Regardless of the form...
2018 mid-term elections ushered in a wave of progressive candidates and state ballot measures. One of the most consequential outcomes occurred in the state of Florida, where Amendment 4 restored voting rights to 1.5 million ex-felons, except those...
On Friday, the new Democratic majority in the House of Representatives passed House Resolution (HR) 1, or the “For The People Act,” with 100% Democratic support. Not a single Republican voted for it. This may come as no...
The Democratic majority of the 116th Congress wasted no time last month introducing a comprehensive democracy reform bill intended to strengthen election security, limit gerrymandering, and rewrite campaign finance laws. One aspect of House Resolution (HR) 1, or the “For...
As far as electoral politics goes, New York is solidly in the “blue” category along with California, Washington, Oregon, Vermont, Minnesota, and Massachusetts. But even though it predictably swings Democratic, since 2010 its legislature has been frustratingly...
While the mainstream corporate media was busy this week warming up the 2020 presidential beauty pageant pundit machine, the new Democratic majority of the 116th Congress wasted no time introducing a comprehensive democracy reform bill intended to strengthen election...
While it's true the "Third-Way" wing of the Democratic party is up to some of its old tricks trying to discredit progressives possibly flirting with 2020 White House runs, it is also true that in...
Fortunately, the violence Donald Trump threatened when faced with the possibility of losing control of the House of Representatives in the mid-term elections did not come to fruition. But the absence of riots and bloodshed does...
The "blue wave" cometh! Tuesday's mid-term election results were historic, to say the least. Hopefully they are a harbinger of the progressive direction the nation is heading as we look ahead now to unseating Trump and company...
Well, here we are--the 2018 mid-term elections. Do you know where your polling place is? Take a moment to check. But there's no need to worry, right? Donald Trump's base is so small and the nation has had two years...
2018 mid-term elections are weeks away. Are you registered to vote? Do you know where your polling place is? Why don't you take a moment to check. Ten years ago the Republican party was licking its wounds after the...
38 days. That's all that's left until mid-term elections. There are those who argue elections don't matter, that the fix is in. And while right-wing billionaires like the notorious Koch brothers and the Mercers are prepared to spend up to $400 million to prove...
True or false: New York has one of the most progressive voting systems in the nation. Yes, New York's governor, Andrew Cuomo, is a Democrat. Yes, New York is a solidly "blue state," like California, Vermont, and...
As primaries for November's mid-term elections happen all over the country, our attentions are again on election integrity. We are all aware by now Russia had an enormous hand in influencing the outcome of 2016. And although...