// // Now that?more and more states have decriminalized and in some cases completely legalized the sale of marijuana, Mexican cartels are reported to have been significantly hamstrung by the loss of revenue. The results...
democracy and corruption Bush Rumsfeld and Cheney
The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights has filed a criminal complaint against U.S. torture program architects and members of the Bush Administration. The organization has accused CIA director George Tenet and Defense Secretary...
There’s been no shortage of great articles over the past year examining the many similarities between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler. And a startling number of Trump’s fans have demonstrated sympathy towards neo-Nazism, anti-Semitism, or...
Russia is holding an American citizen as a political prisoner. Yes, you read that right. Russia is holding an American citizen as a political prisoner. Why you haven't heard about it is a very good question. WMBA basketball player...
Anonymous, the online activist group, announced earlier today that it has found information which indicates that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has plans for multiple terrorist attacks around the world on Sunday,...
Safe to say that we all recall where we were when the attack on the United States  took place on September 11, 2001. It was exactly two days after my 28th birthday, and I was in...
UN Secretary General On Jerusalem
In an unprecedented move, U.S. President Donald Trump announced plans to officially move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This action drew condemnation from the United Nations (U.N.), European Union (E.U.)...
You couldn't have invented the Nazis, not as literary constructs at any rate. Anyone trying to pitch the idea that a paramilitary organization that stitched skulls to their uniforms went 'mainstream legit,' would have been laughed...
One of the many things President Donald Trump has been accused of is having an affinity for dictators. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un notwithstanding, Trump has on numerous occasions praised autocratic heads of state for their "tough"...
The latest poll numbers are dismal for Republicans, with the so-called "generic ballot" showing Democrats with a double-digit lead over their GOP opponents if the midterm elections were held today. But the news may be even...
Sharing this video is the best response you can ever give to right-wingers (or even left-wingers) who get glossy-eyed and claim America is the best country in the world.
The Growth Of National Income Since WWII In US, 1946-2014
Last week, the World Inequality Lab released its first report based on the World Wealth and Income Database (WID). Constructed in part by famous economist Thomas Piketty, the report released at the Paris School of Economics....
alex minsky marine underwear model
OMGoodness. I'm not generally a woman who drools at extremely hot men (publicly), but I honestly think that ripped and tattooed underwear model and Marine Alex Minsky won my heart with the photo of himself...
Erik Prince Iraq For Sale War Profiteers Money Laundering China Selling War To Libya
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and other, unnamed agencies, are actively investigating Chief Executive Officer of Frontier Services Group, Erik Prince, all over again for money laundering and selling war services, according to the Intercept. Better...
Most of us know what the Ukrainian flag looks like now after a month of wall-to-wall coverage of Russia's onslaught against Ukraine. A month ago the only ones who knew the name "Volodymyr Zelenskyy" were probably...
President Donald Trump failed in at least one aspect of his speech on troop increases in Afghanistan — he failed to garner more ratings than former President Barack Obama did in a similar speech in...
If you have been paying attention to media coverage of the Ukraine/Russia crisis, you may have noticed what looks like a capital letter "Z" painted on Russian convoy vehicles. https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1495165367907409920 That mysterious symbol is also showing up...
In the aftermath of North Korea's most recent missile launch, U.S. officials amplified rhetoric and preemptive military readiness. Pyongyang's intercontinental ballistic missile test reinforced North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un's commitment to the military strategy of...
Last night on the "Late Show," Stephen Colbert achieved something truly historic: He came the closest to getting former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to admit the Iraq War was a huge mistake of anyone...
cold war
Former Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev has given an ominous warning about what he sees as threatening signs of conflict emerging between the West and Russia. Speaking to German newspaper Bild the Nobel Peace prize winner said: "All the...