The New York Times, the most respected newspaper in the world, evidently remains unpersuaded of the illegality of American drone strikes, and continues to take a bizarre, tortured approach to discussing the matter in its...
NBC News?published?a bizarre and apparently-not-satirical piece on its website today about Paul Bremer, imperial ruler of Iraq for a year after the U.S. invasion. Bremer, who the authors gush is a "youthful 72," has taken...
Fred Hiatt, Fierce Advocate Of Aggressive War, Lectures China On The Rule Of Law — Op-Ed
Doolittle Justin
Sometimes, as an observer of the news, one comes across a particular opinion column that is so brazen, so audacious, that one must stare at the headline for thirty seconds or so, simply to make...
Charles Krauthammer likes war. Any war, really, but the War on Terror in particular. It's kind of his?raison d'?tre; no one cares what he has to say about domestic policy, so if this glorious clash...
Max Boot, one of the nation's leading chickenhawks, and someone who wrote in 2011, rather straightforwardly, that the United States should maintain its presence in Iraq because "it would allow us to project power and...
In 1946, the?International Military Tribunal?at Nuremberg stated the following, in language that was introduced by Judge Robert Jackson, the lead American prosecutor of Axis war criminals:
To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only...
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The A1?story?in Sunday's?New York Times,?written by Declan Walsh, is titled "U.S. Shift Poses Risk to Pakistan." The story argues that, with the United States gradually dwindling down its political and military engagement with Pakistan, the...
Nobody likes being lied to, especially when tens of thousands of lives and trillions of tax dollars hang in the balance.
Some have perfected the fib to industrial strength. American leaders have a storied knack for...
The conservative resource for political and world events, Fox News, has continuously had its authenticity and reliability questioned. Their viewers are not only less informed than other news viewers but also less informed than those...
"This is a love story, because this is an emotional story and a true story." (Metro)
A friend shared this video on my Facebook Timeline last year, and I'm sharing it here because it is relevant...
How Telling the Truth About War Got One Man Ousted From the U.S. Army’s Active Duty Team
Tiffany Willis Clark
Until Sunday, April 21, 2013, I had never heard of Rev. Chris Antal. ?I also didn't know that what started out as just another Unitarian Universalist service would have such a moving, powerful impact on...