Tag: Bernie Sanders


6 Reasons Senior Citizen Bernie Sanders Has Won Over America’s Youth

Bernie Sanders Campaign Has Growing Support From Millennials! Why are so many Millennials excited about a 73-year-old gray-haired man running for the Democratic presidential nomination?...

Can Bernie Sanders’ Socialist Policies Save America? The Answer Might Disappoint...

The famous linguist and political-left thinker Noam Chomsky has come out in a recent interview on the Jacobian to dampen the hopes and dreams...

Bernie Sanders Smacks Down Trump For His Baseless Attacks

Ever since last week's Democratic debate, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has begun to attack Senator Bernie Sanders, recently telling supporters at a campaign rally: “He’s...

Larry David Is Hilariously AWESOME As Bernie Sanders On ‘SNL’ (VIDEO)

What a treat! "Saturday Night Live" took on the Democratic debate and it was very awesome! Legendary actors Alec Baldwin and Larry David joined...

The Candidate With The Best Plan For Financial Reform? A Leading...

Leading economist (and often liberal hero) Paul Krugman, just wrote a piece about the financial industry and it's a good insight piece. There were...

10 Bernie Sanders’ Quotes That Will Make You #FEELTHEBERN

Bernie Sanders has soared into the public eye since coming on the scene as a contender for the Democratic presidential nomination. His self-proclaimed democratic-socialist...

‘Turd Blossom’ Karl Rove Calls Bernie Sanders ‘An Elderly Dyspeptic Bilbo...

Quick trivia question for political junkies: What was George W. Bush's nickname for Karl Rove, his political advisor? If you said Turd Blossom, give yourself...
Colbert Does Bernie Sanders And Hillary Clinton

Watch Colbert’s Impressions Of Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders Debate Performance...

I could not wait for Stephen Colbert, now host of CBS’s The Late Night Show With Stephen Colbert, to give us his take on the...

Fox News Focus Group Claims Bernie Sanders Winner Of Tuesday Debate

    Anyone who felt Bernie Sanders did particularly well in his first Presidential Debate Tuesday night are probably not alone. Sanders' performance was strong. Many voters...
Democrat Candidate Hillary Clinton in Iowa

Bored With Trump? MSNBC Compares 2016 Democratic Candidates To Sliced Bread

    Food and Wine magazine is not known for being a hot destination for politics, but that didn't stop them from wading in with a...

Texas GOP Idiot Says Bernie Sanders Is A Democratic Socialist…Just Like...

Texas State Representative Jason Villalba was sitting home watching the Democratic debate Tuesday evening and suddenly decided he urgently needed to sent out a tweet....

Battle Of The Water Cooler – Two Political Candidates Showcased By...

The whole country is already focused on the election of 2016. The Republican Clown Car has been entertaining us with regularity and the players...

Bernie Sanders Meets Lil’ Bernie: ‘Oh My Goodness!’

A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a phenomenon called Lil' Bernie Sanders on Facebook. I, of course, screamed, "Here's my money!" I also...

Sanders Tells Arizona Crowd: We Are Tired Of Seeing Students ‘Slaughtered’...

Speaking to a crowd of over 10,000 supporters in Tucson, Arizona, on Friday evening, Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders addressed the issues of gun...
Bernie Sanders in NH

Amazon Halts Teen’s Plan To Start Bernie Sanders Super PAC

Sebastian Burnham isn't old enough to vote in the upcoming presidential election, but the 15-year-old teen from Austin, Texas, still wants to show his support....

Bernie Sanders’ Letter To CEO Will Make You Feel A Lot...

Bernie Sanders and Representative Elijah E. Cummings decided to take it upon themselves to write a letter addressing the brat CEO that hiked up...
Bernie Sanders Doll

Seamstress Creates The Lil’ Bernie Sanders Doll And Goes Viral!

I'm the Bernie Sanders cheerleader here at Liberal America. I'm a collector of figures and dolls, primarily Barbie dolls, Pullip dolls, and I have...
bernie sanders daddy

Bernie Sanders Live-Tweeted The GOP Debate — And It Was As...

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders took to Twitter to absolutely SLAM the Republican butt-clowns during Wednesday night's debate. Below are the screenshots of...

‘Christian’ Columnist To Bernie Sanders: ‘The God Of The Bible Is...

Chris Queen is a so-called Christian columnist who has decided to take 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders to task for daring to quote...

Bernie Sanders Puts The Smackdown On Fox ‘Ambush’ Reporter Jesse Watters...

Perhaps you've seen Jesse Watters on Fox News before. He often does a segment on Bill O'Reilly's show where he goes and sticks a...