Tag: Carly Fiorina

Finally, The Truth! Anti-Planned Parenthood Group Admits Fiorina Lied About Video

At long last, weeks after Carly Fiorina told her lie about a video from Planned Parenthood she claimed she saw showing an aborted fetus...

Welcome To Karmaland, Carly! Backdrop Comes Crashing Down On Fiorina During...

  While she was in San Antonio, Texas, last night, Carly Fiorina was doing her usual routine of telling as many lies as she could...

Hillary vs. Carly: Who Would Win A Clash Of The Iron...

The media is sexist. We know this. They are a reflection of society-which is sexist. Having said that, could they try a little harder...

Planned Parenthood Supporters Throw Condoms At Carly Fiorina (Video)

Carly Fiorina thought it would be a great idea to hold a tailgating event in honor of the University of Iowa's football game on...

More Lies From Carly: Her 2001 Meeting With Putin Was Quite...

Seems like catching Carly Fiorina in yet another lie has become a daily occurrence here lately. First we had her big fib about having...

Fiorina Cannot Prove Planned Parenthood Video Claims, So PAC Supporting Her...

At last week's Republican debate, failed Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina claimed that she had seen a video from Planned Parenthood showing a live fetus...

H-P, With Carly Fiorina As CEO, Sold Computer Products To Iran,...

As if we needed any further proof that 2016 GOP candidate Carly Fiorina will say or do anything to enrich or advance herself, we...



Fiorina: Skeptics Must ‘Prove To Me’ They Watched Non-Existent Fetus Video

Carly Fiorina proved at this week's debate that she will say anything, no matter how purely fabricated and dishonest it may be, in order...

Watch Hillary Clinton DEMOLISH Carly Fiorina Over ‘No Accomplishment’ Remark (VIDEO)

So by now, we all know that Carly Fiorina tried to gain ground in the Republican field during Wednesday's presidential debate by slamming the...

Republican Debate Promises To Be Aggressive And Entertaining

The surprising dynamics the 2016 presidential campaign suggest the second Republican debate will far more aggressive than the first. Since the first debate, the...

Donald Trump SLAMS Carly Fiorina’s Appearance With Some Of The WORST...

Donald Trump is at it again. He has already made it clear that he is disgustingly sexist and just vile in many ways. but...

Carly Fiorina Is More Than Just A Headache

Carly Fiorina as a women's rights advocate is a joke. Carly Fiorina is described as the Republican Party's weapon to counter the "perception" they are...

GOP Lunatics and the Quest to Claim the Republican Nomination (Part...

In Part 1, the Republicans faced a worthy foe at Castle Iowa, ultimately being forced to retreat. Following their defeat, Sir Jeb the Bush...
republican claim nomination

GOP Lunatics and the Quest to Claim the Republican Nomination (Part...

The sound of clapping coconuts echo through the air as fifteen Republicans approach Castle Iowa, looking to claim the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination. Their...

Former Carly Fiorina Campaign Staffers Claim They’d ‘Rather Go To Iraq’...

The Republican Party is so happy with itself lately because they like to pretend that since failed Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina is running for...

The Battle Over ‘Best Campaign Websites’ Continues

Carly Fiorina, presidential candidate, proved that when someone smacks her with a verbal night stick, she punches back faster, harder, and lower. On his...

Carly Fiorina’s Claim To Presidential Win — A Biz Failure

The queen of mean presidential candidate, Carly Fiorina, has no problem showing her Cruelle DeVille. She made her claim to fame by climbing over...

Carly Fiorina Forgot To Register CarlyFiorina.org, And That’s Gonna Be A...

In case you missed it earlier today, former failed Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina is now officially a candidate for the 2016 GOP Presidential nomination....

Silicon Valley To Carly Fiorina: You Failed At H-P, You’d Fail...

Carly Fiorina, the former head of computer company Hewlett-Packard, is expected to formally announce that she will be seeking the 2016 GOP nomination for...