Tag: God


Pastor Sprays Insecticide On His Nutty Followers To ‘Heal Them’

South African Pastor, Lethebo Rabalago, is facing extreme scrutiny after coming forward with pictures showing him spraying the pest control, Doom Super Multi-Insect Killer,...

Michele Bachmann: ‘God Raised Up’ Donald Trump To Be President (VIDEO)

The Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has turned this election into a ginormous shit storm. Many members of the GOP are refusing to vote...
simulate experience

Simulate The Experience: Offer Thoughts And Prayers Like A Congressman (GAME)

Don't worry everyone. Yes, a psychopath was allowed to buy a semi-automatic weapon despite multiple red flags from the FBI and a gun store...
Donald Trump Bible Passage End Times Prophecy

God Is Using Trump To Punish ‘Wicked America’ Say End-Times Christians

Donald Trump (R-N.Y.) announced his candidacy for president in June of 2015, and the world laughed. The religious right prophesied Trump’s eventual rise, citing bible passage...
donald trump god republican primaries

So Who Gets God’s Vote?

Ted Cruz's recently deceased bid to win the Republican primaries got me thinking about God. After all, the Texas senator's campaign began with extensive...

Some Christian Men Still Trying To Make Their Wives Submit….In 2016!

Women beware! A Christian blog post from 2013 has gone viral around the world. It's called "How To Make Your Wife Submit To Your...

Shocker! Republican Says God Is Punishing Us…Again

The former Congresswoman and Tea Party nut job, Michele Bachmann, has struck again with her stupid remarks. After the Brussels attacks, she said that the...

If Slavery is Good Enough for the Bible, it’s Good Enough...

Baptist Pastor Steven Anderson believes that the Bible is the word of God and feels that should be enough to satisfy any true believers...

Woman Shoots Her ‘Friend’ For Being Atheist, Keeps Body As ‘Shrine...

A woman in Phoenix, Arizona, allegedly killed her "friend" for what she considered to be the worst crime of all: Not believing in God. Anitra...
tiffany willis guns

I Just Blocked A Lifelong Friend Over ‘God And Guns’ —...

This morning, I lit up my Facebook timeline and my conservative friends when I posted this simple and (I think) discussion-worthy question: The responses and discussion...
Duke, ALEC Sue NC WARN, Faith Community Church Over Solar Panels

ALEC, Duke Energy Don’t Own The Sun, So They Sued A...

The nonprofit, North Carolina Waste Awareness and Reduction Network (NC WARN), entered into an experimental, renewable energy-based, Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Faith Community Church,...

Texas School Board Freaks Out Because Homework Assignment Called Belief In...

This is what you get for trying to develop critical thinking skills in Texas: a seventh-grade student, her mother, her teacher, and the entire...

Ann Coulter Says Of Bill O’Reilly: ‘Good God, He’s Stupid’

I have a confession to make: For once, I actually agree with Ann Coulter. Which I'm pretty sure means the Apocalypse is only days...

Tennessee Pastor: Stoning Gays Part Of ‘The Mindset Of God’ (Video)

I'm guessing that you've never heard of Pastor Ben Bailey. I never had, and now that I know who he is and what he...

California City Councilman Claims Gays Stole The Rainbow From God

Question: Is it ever going to end? Are the self-righteous jerkweeds who cannot adjust to the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage ever going...

Jihadist SBC Leaders Declare ‘Spiritual Warfare’ On SCOTUS, Obviously Lack Degree...

The annual Southern Baptist Convention is a magical affair. Not in the wizards and dragons and "rolling 1's" kind of way, but in the...

‘God Loves Gays’ Billboard Appears In Orem, Utah–Next One Planned For...

Well, it's official: God loves gays. That's the message that is proudly proclaimed by a billboard which has gone up in Orem, Utah. and...

Atheist Vs Believer: Interesting Philosophical Debate Scene From HBO Show ‘True...

For those who are not familiar with the HBO show "True Detective," here is a brief summary of the show. True Detective is a drama...

42 Principles Of God Maat 2000 Years Before Ten Commandments

This topic was originally covered by a former Liberal America writer. It's been completely rewritten as fresh content, with better sources and videos, for...
god is

God Is Not A White Man — A Black Woman Declares...

I came across this video of a black woman who spoke words I had never heard a black woman say. She said God is...