Tag: Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson Says It’s Time for Ronald Reagan To ‘Rise From...

If wingnut televangelist Pat Robertson gets his wish, The Walking Dead may soon have some competition for ratings. Robertson, who has been known to...

Pat Robertson Advises Parents Not To Attend Gay Child’s Wedding

Pat Robertson has done it again! Are you really surprised??Just this year alone we've brought you news of some of the crazy things Pat...

Pat Robertson Says People Who Drink Or Smoke Pot Are ‘Enslaved...

Whenever I ?need a good laugh, I can always count on televangelist Pat Robertson to provide one. But I do believe Brother Pat has...

Wingnut Televangelist Pat Robertson: Same Sex Marriage = Man-Dog Marriage

Seems like not a day passes without wacko televangelist Pat Robertson saying something so patently ridiculous that it makes you shake your head and...

Pat Robertson To ‘Abhorrent’ Moms: ‘Covens’ Use Your Facebook Ultrasounds To...

And yet again, Pat Robertson has opened his mouth and out spewed the dumbest bullsh*t you can imagine. Nothing new, right? On Monday, February 16,...

Wacko Televangelist Pat Robertson: ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Could Apply To...

Televangelist Pat Robertson doesn't care for gay people. He was apoplectic when the military decided to allow homosexuals to serve openly in the U.S....

Rev. Pat Robertson Cons Elderly Out Of Homes (Video)

What do Rev. Pat Robertson, the Fonz, and Fred Thompson have in common? I'll give you a hint. Thompson not only made a failed...

8 Repugnant Pat Robertson Quotes That Will Leave You Shaking Your...

I normally don't make a habit out of watching?The 700 Club; but, when I feel like I've been a bad girl, a bad girl...

Pat Robertson Thinks ‘Girl On Girl Movies’ Make People Gay

Once again, Pat Robertson has been moralizing on one of his favorite topics: homosexuality. Today, a woman called in to?The 700 Club?to solicit Robertson's...

Pat Robertson Tells Ken Ham ‘Let’s Not Make A Joke Of...

After Bill Nye and Ken Ham debated the value of creationism to science last night many people have weighed in - even?Pat Robertson. What...

The Shocking Attitudes Of Christians Towards Victims Of Domestic Violence

There is a trend among many Christians that is very disturbing and lacking in empathy. Many victims and survivors of rape and sexual abuse are...
Pat Robertson lies about charity's work buys diamond mines instead

Pat Robertson’s Diamond Heist Exposed

Pat Robertson, a conservative televangelist, immediately jumped into the efforts to assist in the 1994 Rwandan crisis that shook the world. ?Operation Blessings International,...

CBN Tried To Hide Video Evidence Of Pat Robertson’s Homophobia, But...

Uncle Pat is off his meds again. I know that most of the people reading here are likely more than well aware of the...