Tag: Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan at the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference (image courtesy Gage Skidmore, available under a Creative Commons-Attribution license)

House GOP Toddlers Throw Tantrum Over Decision Not To Indict Hillary...

We expected that the House Republicans wouldn't be pleased when the FBI opted not to indict Hillary Clinton over her use of a private...

SHOCKING: NRA Radio Host Compares House Dems To Criminals And Terrorists...

After the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2014, the N.R.A. screamed that the Democrats were trying to "p0liticize" the tragedy by bringing...
gun violence sit in representative lewis

Paul Ryan, Republican Cowards Change Rules To Avoid Gun Violence Vote...

At 11:25 a.m., EST, exactly 24 hours after House Democrats seized the floor and staged an unprecedented sit-in to force Speaker of the House Paul Ryan...
House Democrats Stage Sit-In Over Gun Violence

BREAKING: House Democrats Stage Sit-In Over Gun Violence (VIDEO)

Civil rights activist Rep. John Lewis of Georgia not only held a passionate speech against gun violence on Tuesday, but also led the group...
Paul Ryan

What Does Paul Ryan Think Of Trump’s Racism?

The House Speaker, Paul Ryan, is a slimy little dude. He is okay with Trump's racism because he has "more common ground" with Trump...
Paul Ryan on St. Patrick's Day (image courtesy Ryan's Facebook)

Lyin’ Ryan: Let’s Unite Behind Trump, Despite ‘Racist Comment’ (WITH VIDEO)

If there was any doubt that the Republican Party has sold its soul to Donald Trump, it was wiped away on Wednesday morning. Less...
Donald Trump signing the GOP loyalty pledge (image courtesy Michael Vadon, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)

Donald Trump To Surrogates: Keep Up Dog Whistles On Judge (WITH...

We knew that if Donald Trump succeeded in his bid to buy the Republican nomination, it would be only a matter of time before...

WATCH: Joe Scarborough Goes OFF On Trump’s Racism

Joe Scarborough has made it clear he is no Donald Trump fan. After exchanging barbs via social media, Joe Scarborough and Republican presumptive nominee...
Paul Ryan Endorses Donald Trump

BREAKING: Paul Ryan Will Vote For Donald Trump (Video)

Paul Ryan, the Republican Speaker of the House, just released a statement in a column in his hometown newspaper The Gazette, saying he will...

Pigs Are Flying – Mitch McConnell Says GOP At ‘All-Time High’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) seems to be living in a happy dream world where the Republican party is united and at an "all-time high,"...

Paul Ryan: Trump Might Win, But I’m Not Betting On It

While Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan might be saying publicly that their recent meeting went well and all of the issues between...

Paul Ryan Says He’s Happy To Be Considered Less Trustworthy Than...

In his weekly GOP press briefing, House Speaker Paul Ryan was asked his opinion on a recent poll showing Republican voters found "The Donald"...

Is Paul Ryan Calling Donald Trump’s Bluff?

On the Sunday morning talk show circuit, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would not rule out removing Paul Ryan as the convention chair. It...

Sister Sarah Says She Will Work To ‘Primary’ House Speaker Ryan…You...

Sarah Palin is not the least bit happy with House Speaker Paul Ryan's comments on withholding his support for presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump,...
As this map shows, if the Democrats take Florida, they win. (image courtesy Chris Cillizza's Twitter feed)

This Map And Poll Prove The GOP Is In Trouble Even...

Conventional wisdom has long held that if Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, he will have his head handed to him in November. But...

Paul Ryan Doesn’t Seem To Care About These People

The Republicans against the Affordable Care Act are showing us just how mean they are. The Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, has vowed...
Tea Party and Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan Foolishly Did His Job, Tea Party Wants Him ‘Primaried’

Tea Party Primaried. Verb. Per Urban Dictionary, primaried means: To have a wealthy backer provide support to someone who will publicly oppose and trash you,...
Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan Says He Regrets Past Views On The Poor, Now...

It's not easy to admit to being wrong, especially when that admission encompasses such a significant part of one's life. That's why when House...
congress president donald trump paul ryan

Republicans In Congress May Have Found A Way To Elect The...

It's probably safe to say this election has been one of the screwiest in recent memory, if not in history. A powerful, establishment democrat...

Trump Continues To Splinter GOP Heading Into Super Tuesday

As the Super Tuesday results come trickling in, about the only thing that's been established is that Trump's continued lead in the polls has...