Tag: Religion

Creationist Ken Ham Says Atheists Are ‘Bullies’ For Warning Schools About...

Ken Ham is responsible for the Creation Museum, and that was bad enough. One journalist went to the Creation Museum and found out some...
Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s ‘Spiritual Advisor’ Has A Get Rich Quick Scheme That...

The conservative presidential candidates are all vying for "spiritual advisors" and talking about how Christian they are. Donald Trump's spiritual advisor is even selling...

Dear Christian Right: You Are Soooo Wrong And NOT Persecuted

For some strange reason, many Christians seem to think they are being persecuted in this country. In a Public Religion Research Institute survey, 74 percent...

Get The S’Mores! Trump Advisor Would Rather Be Burned Alive Than...

Televangelist Frank Amedia volunteers as Donald Trump's "Christian policy liaison." That title is very problematic since we are a secular nation which shouldn't have...

The Netherlands Recognizes The Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster As...

Pastafarians, rejoice. The Netherlands has recognized the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as an official religion. This is the description of the Church...

Top Lies Christianity Tells Us About Sex And Marriage

Many Christian churches really want to stick their noses into our bedrooms. For centuries, they have preached against sex before marriage and having sex...
LGBT rights

WATCH: Catholic Bishop On LGBT Rights – ‘Religion Breeds Hatred’

The nation is still reeling from the horror that took place in Orlando on Sunday. This is the worst mass shooting in U.S. history...

AMAZING! Trump Religion Advisor Does Jesus Magic (Videos)

Not that Donald Trump is trying to pander to the religious right or anything. So, OK,  Ben Carson says he's an "instrument of God." Big...

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Slams Trump For Hypocritical Praise Of Muhammad Ali...

After Muhammad Ali's passing on Friday night, the media has been buzzing as celebrities and various famous figures alike have taken to social media...
Conservatives and the religious right

Did The Christian Right Wait Too Long For Their Patience To...

For years now, Republicans have associated themselves with religion. Many Republicans now base their platforms on religion and faith. Republicans started targeting religious people specifically during the...

Republican Nut Jobs Want To Make Us A Theocracy (VIDEO)

Yes, you read that correctly. These right wing nut jobs are trying to establish Christianity as the official religion of the United States. In case...

Senior Vatican Priest Says Wackiest Thing You’ve Ever Heard About Transgender...

Last week, May 17, the 12th Annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast was held at a Marriot hotel in Washington D.C. The annual event began...

Conservative Butthurt Imminent: New Bill Wouldn’t Let Them Discriminate

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act was passed in 1993 "to ensure that interests in religious freedom are protected." Lately, the bill has been used to more...

Fundie Leader Wants To Sell This Disgusting Item To ‘Christian’ Parents

It's amazing how often those holier-than-thou church types can turn the Bible into a marketing manual. This time we are seeing the return of "Pastor"...

WATCH: Seven Common Myths About Atheists Debunked

Many atheists, especially in the Bible Belt, have faced hate and persecution for being non-believers. Some think that we can't have morals without the...

LGBT Protests And Prayers At Divided Methodist Church Conference

The grumbles grew so loud, Bishop Bruce Ough, who is presiding over the United Methodist Church General Conference, was forced to issue a public...

Trump Supporters Claiming Christianity: An Oxymoronic Slap In The Face Of...

This is a manifesto from someone on the Christian Left. That someone happens to be me. My name is Kyle Neven — and I am...

Unexpected Connection Found Between Pornography And Religious Beliefs (VIDEO)

It is pretty much accepted as fact that people who occasionally watch pornography tend to become less religious over time. RawStory reported that a new study...

We Already Had The Revolution: His Name Is Barack Obama

WE ALREADY HAD THE REVOLUTION: His name is Barack Obama. He righted our sinking ship. Our economy was rusting for 8 years on the ocean...

California Muslim Student Misidentified As Isis In School Yearbook (VIDEO)

A Muslim student in California is upset after her picture in her school yearbook was captioned as "Isis Phillips" instead of her name. Bayan Zehlif,...