Tag: Steve Bannon

Foreign Policy

Trump Desperately Wants A War — Question Is – With Who?...

Numbers suck. Take 171,175 for example. That's the total number of civilians that have been killed as a direct consequence of the illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq. Or...

President Bannon Is Leading US To Disaster – Trump Totally Clueless...

We've been watching this shit show for over a month and becoming increasingly unsure that our country will survive the Trump presidency. Could it be...

Brownshirt Bannon Once Praised Joe McCarthy For Persecuting ‘Traitors’ Who Had...

Steve Bannon, who serves as Donald Trump's senior counselor and chief political strategist, is a disgusting, reprehensible slug of a human being who radiates...

Trump Caught On Video Having Major Meltdown In The Oval Office...

President Donald Trump was allegedly hot and bothered after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from any investigation into the ties that bind Trump...
Steve Bannon at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (image courtesy Gage Skidmore, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)

President Bannon’s Favorite Book Is A Steaming Pile Of Hate (VIDEO)

It's been amply established that Donald Trump's chief strategist and chief brownshirt, Steve Bannon, is a stone-cold racist at bottom. He has documented ties...

Shocking: See Who Is Praising Steve Bannon For His World View...

Steve Bannon, who currently serves as President Trump's chief strategist, has been featured on the front page of a truly terrifying newspaper. Bannon is the...

WATCH: President Bannon Has A Lofty Goal – To DESTROY Our...

President Donald Trump spent the entire Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) speech attacking the legitimate media. Trump called the media the "enemy of the...
Photo art courtesy Emil Lendof, The Daily Beast

Breitbart Still Hemorrhaging Advertisers–1,250 And Counting (VIDEO)

On paper, Breitbart News should be sitting pretty. After all, the rabidly alt-right fake news machine played a key role in propelling Donald Trump...
Sebastian Gorka speaking to the International Special Training Centre's Military Assistance Course (image courtesy 7th Army Training Command, available under a Creative Commons-BY license)

White House Brownshirt Makes Scary Phone Call To Someone Who Dared...

It's no secret that the Donald Trump administration doesn't like being criticized. But one White House staffer took it to a chilling level this...

WATCH: CPAC Organizer Tries To Paint ‘Alt-Right’ As A ‘Left-Wing Fascist’...

If there's one thing conservatives are really, really good at, it's rewriting history to suit their needs. You see, history has a known liberal...

CPAC Kicked Milo To The Curb, But His Creator–President Bannon–Is Still...

The American Conservative Union would like you to believe that it took a stand when it bounced Milo Yiannopoulos from this coming weekend's Conservative Political...
Milo Yiannopoulos at LeWeb 13 (image courtesy Kmeron, available under a Creative Commons-BY license)

Milo Forced To Resign, Trumpbart Boss Blames Liberal Hit Job (TWEET,...

All too often, we've seen situations where politicians and other public figures do something right, but can't do it right. And almost as often,...

Trump Being Trolled Nationwide With ‘Impeach President Bannon’ Signs

Even though Donald Trump was named the 45th president, it appears that the real power within the Oval Office resides in the person of...

Trump Goes Full Fascist, Declares Media ‘Enemy Of The American People’...

It's no secret that Donald Trump really, really, really, really hates the media. But his hatred of the media has taken on particularly chilling--and...
Steve Bannon (image courtesy DonkeyHotey, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)

Reporter Wants To Know How President Bannon Got A Security Clearance

There were a lot of questions surrounding Donald Trump's chief strategist and chief brownshirt, Steve Bannon. But one of the biggest questions of all...

Fox News Makes Desperate Attempt to Legitimize Steve Bannon (VIDEO)

Folks, we're in The Twilight Zone. Donald Trump is the figurehead president, but the man who's really running things is a straight-up, Lenin-loving anarchist....
Steve Bannon (image courtesy DonkeyHotey, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)

Brownshirt Bannon May Have Actually Thought He WAS President (VIDEO)

Lately, there have been a lot of jokes about who has really been president since January 20. Is it Donald Trump, or is it...

Activists Take On Breitbart’s Funding – Here’s How You Can Help...

Breitbart, the homepage of racism that claims to be “mainstream,” and which gave serial trolls like Milo Yiannopoulos and fascists like Steve Bannon their...
Stephanie Murphy being sworn in (image from Murphy's Facebook)

Gutsy Rookie Congresswoman Moves To Stop Trump And Bannon’s Power Grab...

In case you missed it, Donald Trump is trying to put his stamp on the National Security Council by placing his chief strategist and...

Gloves Off! Pelosi Calls Bannon A ‘White Supremacist,’ Suggests Trump Get...

The next time someone complains that Congressional Democrats aren't being tough enough on the Trump administration, you might want to show them video of...