Newest Right-Wing Conspiracy – Chelsea Clinton Pregnancy Is A Political Ploy (VIDEO)

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While conservatism is without a doubt, an echo chamber, each one of their memes has to have an origin and the latest, which will probably take off next week, originated with Newsmax host, Steve Malzberg, who accused the Clinton family of planning Chelsea’s pregnancy to coincide with the upcoming presidential election.

“Now pardon the skeptic in me,” Malzberg?said. “Oh I can see Media Matters, I can see everybody going crazy on me now. Malzberg thinks this was a staged, planned pregnancy?”

“Well, now I’m not saying, when I say staged I have to believe she’s pregnant, if she says she’s pregnant,” he continued. “I don’t mean that they’re making up she’s pregnant. But what great timing! I mean purely accidental, purely an act of nature, purely just left up to God.”

“And God answered Hillary Clinton’s prayers and she’s going to have the prop of being a new grandma while she runs for president,” he added. “It just warms the heart, it brings a tear to my eye. It really does.”

Source: Talking Points Memo

Why not? They’ve already accused Hillary Clinton of staging a soccer cleat being throw at her, as if Clinton would risk having gouges in her head. I mean, everyone knows that if you want to stage a shoe being thrown at you, you make it one of those barefoot running shoes. At least that way, no one gets hurt.

Of course, as is typical with Republicans, Malzberg is projecting. Just seven years ago, John McCain introduced the world to the virus known as Sarah Palin, who gave us the sympathy bifecta – a newborn developmentally disabled son and a grandchild on the way – all while running for being a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Here’s the video:

Just in case you think that politicizing the pregnancy is limited to the right-wing fringe, even USA Today speculated: “It’s unclear how Chelsea’s pregnancy will affect Hillary Clinton, who is considering a race for president in 2016.” Other mainstream sources are suggesting the same, although without the implied conspiracy theory.

USA Today edited their story after backlash accused the paper of being sexist – saying that questions like that would never be asked of a man.

If you really want to get a feel for conservative reactions, brace yourself and head over to this article at, where the comments range from mildly offensive to downright disgusting – including some accusations that it was planned for political purposes.