Watch Oprah’s Original Audition Tape From 1983. Amazing! (VIDEO)


Even Oprah Winfrey was once a nervous young woman applying for a job. This tape is amazing. She is a legend, an icon. Love this!

What she said about the tape:

“Somehow, after all these years, my staff hunted down my initial audition tape. I don’t know how on earth I got hired.”

From the video description:

When Oprah heard there was a morning show in Chicago that needed a new host, she stayed up all night long with an editor to prepare her audition tape. Watch her original audition tape, circa 1983!

Tiffany Willis is the founder and editor-in-chief of Liberal America. An unapologetic member of the Christian Left, she has spent most of her career actively working with ?the least of these? and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. She’s passionate about their struggles. To stay on top of topics she discusses,?subscribe to her public updates on Facebook,?follow her on Twitter, or?connect with her via LinkedIn. She also has a?grossly neglected personal blog?and a?literary quotes blog that is a labor of love. Find her somewhere and join the discussion.
I had a successful career actively working with at-risk youth, people struggling with poverty and unemployment, and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. In 2011, I made the decision to pursue my dreams and become a full-time writer. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.