About the only good thing about a Donald Trump presidency is that he will have the effect of assuring full employment for North America’s comics. The latest edition of ‘Saturday Night Live’ was no exception. We were treated once again to Alec Baldwin epically trolling Donald Trump on national television. As proof that it worked, the real Trump didn’t like it one bit.

In case you missed it, watch here.


Baldwin’s Trump was supposedly attending an intelligence briefing–something the real Trump has almost never done since winning the election. However, he apparently felt that an update on Syria wasn’t important enough to make him put down his phone and stop checking his Twitter feed. He told Kellyanne Conway, portrayed by Kate McKinnon, that he’d just retweeted “the most awesome tweet” from a high school student.

“Conway” would have you believe that “Trump” uses Twitter so much because he wants to throw the media off balance and keep them from focusing on his stratospheric conflicts of interest. But “Trump” himself replied that he did it because “my brain is bad.”

“Trump” said he’d put his phone down–but picked it up two more times to retweet people, much to the frustration of “Conway” and the “staffers” conducting the briefing. During the last retweet, he sounded an air horn–something I could actually see the real Trump doing at a Cabinet meeting. I knew Alec had studied Trump for a long time, but I didn’t think he’d studied him this closely.

Well, that didn’t sit very well with the real Trump. Just as SNL was about to go off the air in the Eastern and Central time zones, he fired off this.

Awww, what’s the matter, Donald? Can’t handle the truth? And Alec was actually pretty fair to you. He could have portrayed you holding one of your yuuuge rallies when you should have been at a security briefing.

When Baldwin came backstage after the show and saw this, he made Trump what sounds like a very reasonable offer.

You speak for all of us, Alec. Apparently Trump knows he’s busted–he didn’t fire off a response. After all, if he releases his returns, it will only give the likes of Samantha Bee, Trevor Noah, and Stephen Colbert room to pick off where Baldwin would leave off.

At the rate he’s going, Trump will likely be forced to resign or be removed from office by early 2018. But at least Baldwin and the nation’s other comedians won’t lack for excuses to skewer him in that time.

(screenshot courtesy NBC via The Daily Beast)