Wednesday, February 19, 2025
(Image courtesy Mike Maguire, available under a Creative Commons-BY license)
In case you missed it, word got out yesterday that Donald Trump revealed classified information about a key American ally to Russia's foreign minister and the Kremlin's ambassador to Washington. Well, more details came out...
Comedian Dave Chappelle is taking back the hopeful message he gave about President Donald Trump back in November. In the first episode of Saturday Night Live, Chappelle said at the end of his opening monologue: "So, in...
Former CIA Director James Woolsey says it will be hard to find someone qualified willing to the job of FBI Director. In an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria, Woolsey said that the Russia investigation and President Donald...
As investigations into the 2016 election continue by both the FBI and Congressional committees, the allegation that Donald Trump and members of his inner circle may have colluded with Russian agents to tilt the outcome in...
All during the 2016 race for the White House, Donald Trump repeatedly attacked Hillary Clinton for her private email server, even going to far as to allege that she had compromised American national security and...
Donald Trump shaking hands with James Comey at an an Inaugural Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders reception (image courtesy Andrew Harrer, pool photographer)
When word got out that former FBI Director James Comey was chomping at the bit to give his version of the events leading up to his firing by Donald Trump, it initially looked like a...
President Donald Trump gave his first commencement speech as president this week at Liberty University. Some of it was actually sane. At one point, he said: "Be totally unafraid to challenge entrenched interests and failed power structures....
This week has been one giant march toward what seems inevitable to many of us. The impeachment of President Donald J. Trump appears to be moving ever closer to reality. With that in mind, this seems like a...
It's starting to look like Donald Trump is either as dumb as we thought, or twice as traitorous as we suspected. The Washington Post reports that at an Oval Office meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov...
Before today, I have to admit I had never heard the name Leslie Rutledge, who is the Republican Attorney General of the state of Arkansas. And now that I've seen the way she attempted to...
One of biggest events in the past week has been Trump's abrupt firing of FBI director, James Comey. Prior to this, he dismissed Preet Bharara, the former U.S. attorney in Manhattan, and Sally Yates, the former acting attorney...
Is the FBI close to exposing Donald Trump's criminal actions? And might the firing of FBI Director James Comey last week be a final, desperate attempt by Trump to try and delay the inevitable downfall which occurs...
As if the illegitimate American head of state doesn't have enough problems with the ongoing investigations into the 2016 election and his firing of the FBI Director, now we have one of his biggest supporters...
Well it seems our dear leader President Donald Trump still doesn't realize why everyone is so concerned about this Russian thing. He said he was innocent, why aren't we believing him? In a Friday morning Twitter...
According to Fox News, all the attention to the firing of FBI Director James Comey by illegitimate head of state Donald Trump is overblown and borders on "hysteria." Such was the topic of discussion on Fox...
On Tuesday, Ellen DeGeneres poked fun at President Trump's gross ignorance of U.S. history. Trump's recent comments about Andrew Jackson and The Civil War have sparked a lot of attention. Previously, Trump had also implied that...
President Donald Trump has formed a commission. It's not looking into shenanigans Russia is alleged to have engaged in during the election. It isn't going to probe institutional racism in policing those responsible for extra-judicial killings...
Trump ice cream
In a way, this is such a non-story, but in another way, it's news because it speaks so much to who Pres. Donald Trump is as a human being. Read on. On May 8th, three Time reporters spent a...