Wednesday, February 19, 2025
It was November 7, 1938. A 17-year-old ethnically Polish Jew living in France named Herschel Grynszpan had learned the Nazi party had exiled his parents to Poland from their home in Hanover, Germany. Enraged, Grynszpan retaliated by shooting Ernst vom Rath, a...
Last week, USA Today published an opinion editorial column attributed to Donald Trump titled "Democrats 'Medicare for All' plan will demolish promises to seniors." Immediately, Washington Post fact-checkers got to work. And what they found was nothing short of astounding. It turns...
Last week's New York Times piece debunking Donald Trump's oft-repeated lie “I built what I built myself” may have gotten somewhat buried amid the coverage frenzy surrounding Brett Kavanaugh's hearing and eventual confirmation. Even though Trump and the...
Do you know the tale of King Midas? Everything he touched turned to gold. Life was great until he tried to eat and turned his food gold. Then he tried hugging his daughter and wound up...
For the first time as President of the United States, Donald J. Trump is going to have to answer questions under oath. But this doesn't have to do with former campaign manager Paul Manafort or Russian...
Many people abstain from voting in mid-term elections. They see them as irrelevant. Well, if you, or someone you know, is considering staying away from the polls until 2020, you might be interested in knowing that Monday,...
This week, as the East Coast was preparing for Hurricane Florence, the federal government was prioritizing all available resources to successfully address the storm's aftermath. Just kidding. Actually, as the East Coast was preparing for Hurricane Florence, the...
According to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), this June was the warmest on record. The average global temperature for that month was 1.35 degrees Fahrenheit above the 20th-century average, 59.9. The first half of the year was the fourth...
Remember when calling someone a "communist" was a classic right-wing ad hominem attack on anyone who failed to conform to jingoistic American behavior and pro-capitalist attitudes? For decades, the United States considered the Soviet Union its...
Alec Baldwin's Trump berating Melissa Villasenor's Carmen Yulin Cruz (screenshot courtesy NBC via The Hollywood Reporter)
When "Saturday Night Live" opened its 43rd season late Saturday night, the gang at Studio 8H wasn't lacking for material. After all, they could have done an entire show's worth of skits based on Donald...
Notorious conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones, leveraged a double-edged sword against Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas). Utilizing his media platform, Infowars, Jones released a video of Barton masturbating. The video followed TMZ's release of a sexually natured...
On Thursday, lawmakers brought President Trump a bipartisan immigration deal proposal. Trump countered it with racism. According to the Washington Post, a source familiar with the meeting reported Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) presented Trump a...
Amid the glaring problems with the Republicans' rewrite of our tax code, there is another issue that should concern us--time. Is there enough of it to allow America to adjust to the changes since several provisions in...
There was a time in the not-so-distant past when President Donald Trump's Chief of Staff John Kelly was considered the sane one in Trump's cabinet. That was until he defended Trump's attack on Rep. Frederica Wilson when...
It was a very important speech, but like with most things Donald Trump attempts, it wound up devolving into comedy and ridicule. Trump was announcing that the United States would soon be moving its embassy from...
30 years ago, Tony Schwartz agreed to be the ghostwriter for Donald Trump's book The Art of the Deal, and he now says he deeply regrets that because he fears may have helped Trump become president....
If you thought that President Trump and members of the Trump administration were sweating the news that a grand jury has been impaneled by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, then something said Friday morning on Fox...
For all out there feeling a little demoralized about the class warfare congressional Republicans and President Donald Trump's administration are waging against us, results from Tuesday's elections should lift your spirits. Let's start in Virginia where...
Saturday Night Live continues to skewer the Trump administration with perfect satire and devastating criticism. Last night, cast member Alex Moffat played CNN's Anderson Cooper, and as he walked home from work one evening, he dropped...
There are a couple of prerequisites if you want to be a supporter of Donald Trump: You have to be an idiot. You must be willing to hate others on command. You need to be...