Republicans are all set to cut a lot of taxes.
Just not yours.
Today President Donald Trump enacted the most drastic changes to the American tax code in three decades.
Last night the Republican Senate took the final...
In what might be a surprise to some, a growing number of people are joining the fight to change the classification of marijuana from a Schedule 1 narcotic to Schedule 3, which would put it...
Do you know any Republicans who shouldn't be Republicans?
That is, those who aren't wealthy, rely on the same fire departments, police departments, food and drug safety standards, drive on the same public roads, and send...
It appears President Trump can feel the Russia investigation getting closer to him, so, in typical fashion, he thought he'd go on Twitter and draw even more attention to the fact that he's under scrutiny...
Trump Endorses Alleged Pedophile For Senate – Twitter Responds With Disgust (TWEETS)
Liberal America
Proving that politics does indeed make strange bedfellows, President Trump grabbed his cell phone Monday morning and fired off a tacit endorsement of Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore:
If Moore does indeed win the special...
In a recent interview with CNN’s Michael Smerconish, former NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden offered equal parts shock and outrage at revelations that senior White House advisor Jared Kushner had discussed opening a secret...
A functioning administration would respond to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic with World War II-level initiative.
A functioning administration would promote a unified message of strength, clarity, and resolve.
A functioning administration would have enough dignity and patriotism to...
WATCH A Former Bush Ethics Attorney Say If Trump Pardons Himself, He Should Move To Moscow
Liberal America
This week we learned that President Trump and his legal team are already looking into ways they can subvert the ongoing Russia investigation being conduced by special counsel Robert Mueller. According to the Washington Post,...
For the last two-plus years, Donald Trump has taken the "jobs, jobs, jobs!" mantra and made it his own. After all, he ran for president on a promise to create jobs. Specifically, 25 million of...
This article was first published on Liberal Nation Rising.
“Take the guns first, go through due process second.”
That's what President Donald Trump said Wednesday at a meeting with congressional lawmakers.
Yes, the President of the United States, the...
On Tuesday, Alabama voters rejected Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore. Despite long odds, Doug Jones became the first Democrat in 25 years to win a U.S. Senate seat within the state. President Trump's support of a...
Project: ‘Babysit Man-Child’ — Trump Generals Terrified Of Leaving President Unsupervised (VIDEO)
Kyle Neven
It is clear President Donald Trump does not have the cerebral capacity or temperament to make rational decisions regarding the security of our nation and should not be left alone to his own devices.
As reported by the...
Famed atheist Sam Harris has an award-winning podcast called Waking Up. A little while ago Harris put out the call to his fans on Twitter asking for suggestions for a 'smart' Trump supporter that would be...
Most longtime watchers of the religious right, including this writer, have known for some time that when push comes to shove, the religious right is morally bankrupt. Any doubt that this was the case should...
Even though President Trump may insist that he isn't involved in any of his business interests now that he's in the White House, he's never actually bothered to produce any proof of his promise, meaning...
Although Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) has received much of the media attention for stopping the Republicans' plan to eliminate healthcare for millions of people, he is not the only Republican who stood up to President...
Expect the next resignation from President Donald Trump's administration to come fairly soon.
But it's probably not going to be over Russian collusion, money laundering, or lying to the FBI.
This resignation may occur over "lack of...
The Republican party talks a lot about "freedom," "choice," and "independence."
When we peel back the rhetoric and focus on policy, though, we understand in its starkest form that Democracy is the GOP's Achilles' heel.
It could...
According to former FBI Director James Comey, Donald Trump allegedly pressured him to investigate as to whether or not the Russians really had a "pee-pee tape"; which allegedly consists of Trump being "entertained" by prostitutes...
Last week, we learned Facebook was preparing to give Congress 3,000 Russian-purchased ads through 470 phony pages and accounts that suggest African American rights groups, like Black Lives Matter, posed a political threat, in an effort to...