A hot topic circulating the web these days is the acceptance of tattoos in the workplace. Certain professions, mostly those which embody personal expression, have moved into a complete acceptance of tattoos.
However, more traditional business...
The biopic covers the 1998 Lewinsky scandal through the present, with Diane Lane -- best known for her 2002 work in 'Unfaithful' -- playing Hillary Clinton.
Ladies, meet U.S. Rep.?Thomas "Tom" Cotton. Tom Cotton (R-AR 4th District) is a 37-year-old solid Conservative Republican that is still up for grabs -- he's a bachelor. If you are fed up with the strong...
Unless you spent the past few days hiding out in some far-flung corner of the world, you probably noticed a change in the wind. You probably noticed that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's campaign just...
Lennin Johan Torres-Sepulveda, 38, of Atlanta, was found hanging from a tree in Beachwood, Ohio May 20. Cleveland.com reports his wife Patricia Lane is seething over images of her late husband circulating on social media....
Thank God for people with a sense of gallows humor.
As we make our desperate way through the land of make believe, where facts aren't factual, it helps to have people who can make us laugh.
You might have noticed that the left-wing, state-controlled media have been criticizing the comments of Texas Senator Bob Deuell, who rightly stated during the recent congressional debate on abortion restrictions that pregnancy occurs only following...
In the 1960s, America was a dirtier, uglier place than it is today. Illegal dumping was widespread. Sewage often mingled with river water that upstream communities swam in or drank from. And smokestacks stood directly...
In July, NBC announced plans to air a four-hour miniseries devoted to the public and personal life of Hillary Clinton. In truth, there are actually four movie plans in production, each by different networks. Aside...
During his debate last night with the Creation Museum president, Ken Ham, science educator Bill Nye made a simple yet profound response to an audience member's question. His answer: "I don't know."
The question was how...
Film Details Abusive Ordeal Endured By Students At “Christian” Boarding School In Dominican Republic
Darrell Lucus
A now-closed Christian boot camp in the Dominican Republic engaged in horribly abusive behavior in the name of "helping" troubled teens change their ways.
A new poll from Public Policy Polling (PPP) in Raleigh, NC, shows that North Carolina has had a dramatic decline in how it is viewed nationally. During that period, Republicans have gained power with both...
An anthropology student at Tufts University spent her time busking at the local street performance stomping ground of Harvard Square. Eventually, she was noticed by a fellow student, and he was so impressed by her...
The tragic death of Veronica Rutledge has renewed the debate about gun culture in America. Rutledge, a 29 year old mother, was fatally shot in the head by her 2 year-old son in an Idaho...
These days, it is hard to associate the word "Republican" with anything good. However, in times long past, there were actually- gasp!-?good Republicans.?So, we give you the top ten best Republicans in the history of...
Many celebrities use their star power to speak up against Trump. Some are dismissive, some hilarious, and some downright angry. This is what 15 of them have to say:
1. Angelina Jolie
In a recent interview for BBC,...
Kris Kobach is one of the most influential and dangerous political minds of our current era. He is the mastermind behind several of the most controversial voter ID laws enacted in recent years. Kobach currently serves...
Editor Note: Apparently, this has turned out to be satire. Thanks Facebook and foolish convincing websites! It's totally my fault. So, enjoy the story for what it is - a story. Have a mighty...
As much as the world is?grieving for the loss of beloved comic genius Robin Williams, the fact is?that he leaves behind a wife and three children whose worlds are shattered. In the midst of grief,...
A ?June 21, 2013 ?NBC news report states that?companies like Goodwill Industries who ?hire disabled people are able to pay them less than minimum wage due to a federal law passed in 1938. The Fair...