Steven Colbert is no Trump fan
Stephen Colbert is having a field day over President Donald Trump's Twitter gibe at Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski after she voted against repealing Obamacare. Colbert couldn't resist the chance to compare the beleaguered Trump...
Although Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) has received much of the media attention for stopping the Republicans' plan to eliminate healthcare for millions of people, he is not the only Republican who stood up to President...
Lisa Murkowski at University of Alaska Fairbanks (image courtesy UAF School of Management, available under Creative Commons BY-NC license)
Donald Trump is a petty and vindictive man. That's been established for a long time. But one state may be about to find that out literally. Nope, not sapphire-blue California or purplish Nevada--but crimson-red Alaska....
climate science
A former policy advisor to the Interior Department has become, in his words, a “whistleblower” on the Trump administration’s treatment of climate scientists. Joel Clement was director of the Office of Policy Analysis at the Interior...
After informing G7 leaders he will make a "final decision on the Paris accord next week,” President Donald Trump took exactly one day to conclude cutting domestic greenhouse gas emissions 26-28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025...
The House of Representatives has approved a joint resolution that invites Alaskan hunters to engage in unimaginable acts of barbarism. House joint resolution 69, introduced by Alaska’s Republican Rep. Don Young, overturns a federal rule written by...
The United States desperately needs to work out how we will meet our energy needs in the next several years. Not only are we faced with the specter of climate change, but we are also...
With the CIA now having confirmed that hackers from Russia did indeed interfere with the 2016 election to help ensure Donald Trump would be the next president, there's been a lot of discussion about how...
trump political campaign
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is running the strangest political campaign in American history. And now, voters in Alaska won't find his information in their voter's guide. Trump Campaign Neglected To Submit Information Alaskan voters recived a...
After the resignation of Donald Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, the ‘never in her right mind’ former Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, put her two cents in on Twitter. She gracefully tweeted: "Good for Trump; the...
Alaska caucus
This week has brought another victory for opponents to superdelegates, Democratic leaders and elected officials who make up about 15% of the total vote for the Democratic presidential nominee. We previously reported how Maine had said...
A recent news report from Reuters highlighted the challenge Bernie Sanders posed to the Democratic Party leaders. After his landslide victory in winning the Democratic primaries in Alaska, Washington and Hawaii over the weekend, Bernie Sanders...
Alaska’s harsh and unforgiving climate makes it a challenge to survive, and even more so to evolve. Yet, Alaska’s Kodiak Island has embraced evolution to become the torchbearers of renewable energy. Their success story is...
There's a very human tendency to believe that as individuals, we are exceptional -- we aren't stupid like those idiots who do stupid things and suffer the stupid consequences. Even when we're at our worst,...
Yesterday, we all watched with a mixture of amusement and horror as former half-term Alaska governor Sarah Palin stood up in Iowa and endorsed Donald Trump, thereby sealing his fate as the biggest loser to...
With the season of giving upon us a few of us could really learn a few things from adorable 3-year-old Patrick McClung. Patrick, from Anchorage in Alaska, became so upset upon discovering the living conditions of...
Speaking only for myself here, I have to say that I find Sarah Palin to be one of the most odious public figures in modern politics. The thought that she was almost a heartbeat away...
  Kevin Ramey lives in Alaska and is one of these folks you've no doubt heard about who considers himself to be a "sovereign citizen," meaning he doesn't think he has to obey the laws...
Some strange things turn up in the news on a daily basis, but I have to admit this is one the flat-out most bathshit weird and crazy ones that I've encountered in quite a long...
denali conservative breakdown
Leave it to American conservatives to stop kissing Republican Jesus' feet long enough to get pissed off about something stupid. Ahead of his trip to Alaska to discuss the effects of climate change, President Barack Obama...