A great deal of last week’s Democratic debates centered on healthcare.
And when the chilling words “Medicare-for-All” are spoken, there is inevitably someone--moderate Democrat or Republican--who is going to turn around and trot out right-wing talking...
You know it's bad when even right-wing televangelist Pat Robertson says we've "gone too far."
Alabama opened the proverbial flood gates Wednesday after governor Kay Ivey signed the most restrictive abortion ban in the nation.
Under this...
Rape survivors in war-torn countries will no longer receive reproductive health care.
And the United States is partly to blame.
On Tuesday, the United Nations Security Council was forced to vote against a resolution that would assist...
During his run for president, Donald Trump promised Americans he would give them "better" and "cheaper" healthcare than they are offered under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), aka Obamacare.
Like every other Trump promise, though, that...
We will probably have universal healthcare in this country within our lifetimes.
If you're a New York City resident, though, you needn't wait any longer.
Although not the single-payer model most Democrats in Washington favor, NYC Mayor...
Last week, USA Today published an opinion editorial column attributed to Donald Trump titled "Democrats 'Medicare for All' plan will demolish promises to seniors."
Immediately, Washington Post fact-checkers got to work.
And what they found was nothing short of astounding.
It turns...
Republicans jumped at the opportunity this week to cite a Koch Brothers-funded Mercatus Center study to prove once and for all what they have been claiming all along--Medicare-for-All (aka "single-payer health care") is too expensive, despite its economic...
Amazon, JP Morgan Chase, And Berkshire Hathaway Announce A Joint Venture–Healthcare (Video)
Ted Millar
Chances are you've recently purchased something from Amazon.com.
Maybe it was books. Maybe clothes. Maybe an appliance or a tool. Maybe you streamed a movie or an Amazon series. Maybe you even bought groceries.
Sometime in the...
"Religious freedom."
It doesn't sound so bad, does it?
Who would be opposed to it?
In fact, the First Amendment makes it clear we have a tacit freedom of religion when its states:
"Congress shall make no law respecting...
One of the reasons (and there are several) Donald Trump won the White House was his promise not to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
This made him very popular among his base, many of whom...
"Vulnerable," "entitlement," "diversity," "transgender," "fetus," "evidence-based," and "science-based."
These are terms the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are reportedly prohibited from using in any official documents intended for next year's budget.
The nation's top public health agency was...
On Thursday, President Donald Trump issued a speech attempting to characterize his legislative goals and tax cut bill as "populist." Despite significant contradictory analysis, the president claimed his efforts negativity affect wealthy individuals and aids...
If you've been at all paying attention the past year, you know the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue doesn't really care much about us--unless we're rich, or part of the 34 percent still holding...
Senator Asking For Trillion Dollar Tax Cut Says There Isn’t Money To Pay For Children’s Health Care
Jordan Baranowski
Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) was confronted on the Senate floor by his colleague, Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), for not doing enough to save the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Hatch created the program with Senator Edward...
After a hard-fought surprise run in 2016, Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) looks positioned to solidify his fundamentals and build widespread support for progressive policy goals. Despite serious divisions and persistent voter mistrust, the popular senator seeks...
They're at it again.
As if the proposed Senate Republican tax plan did not put enough targets on average Americans' backs, according to multiple reports, the revised bill includes another insult: repeal the Affordable Care Act's, aka Obamacare, individual...
Attorney General Jeff Sessions was a controversial pick for his office for a few different reasons. His shady past regarding civil rights was a big one. Sessions' draconian stance on drugs (which many consider to...
Wounded Las Vegas Shooting Victims Turn To Crowdfunding To Cover Their Medical Costs (Video)
Ted Millar
What do gun control and Medicare-for-all have in common?
Talk to a victim of last month's Las Vegas terror attack.
After the worst mass shooting in modern American history that left over fifty dead, some of the hundreds wounded...
Earlier this week, we got a very loud reminder that state elections matter at least as much as federal elections. A Republican state representative in Georgia who happens to be the wife of a former...
Sometimes, even in these precarious times of stress and uncertainty, there is cause to breathe an occasional sigh of relief.
Some bad news from late last week was that President Donald Trump issued an executive order...