Fulfilling his campaign promise to make America white again, President Donald Trump signed off on some executive orders that may have prevented his own mother and wife, Melania, from entering the United States. He also showed his...
This week, as the East Coast was preparing for Hurricane Florence, the federal government was prioritizing all available resources to successfully address the storm's aftermath.
Just kidding.
Actually, as the East Coast was preparing for Hurricane Florence, the...
Backlash from Mr. Donald Trump's plan to ban Muslims from coming into the U.S. have had an incredible backlash world-wide, with Adolf Hitler being only the most-obvious and most-often-made analogy for behavior of The Trump....
Martin O’Malley: Trump’s ‘Malicious’ Administration Is Unraveling’ Fast (TWEETS/VIDEO)
Danielle Hartshorn
Former Governor Martin O'Malley (D-Md.) didn't mince words during a recent interview on MSNBC.
President Donald Trump spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this week, which was basically a group of white supremacists who...
US Border Patrol Can Stop You For Just About Anything – Even The Dating Apps You Use (VIDEO)
Jenny Mason
A gay, Canadian man, identified only as André, has come forward and said that he was not allowed into the United States because of messages on his phone. André says he was stopped from entering when...
California is currently studying ways to fight against President Donald Trump's most recent push to defund sanctuary cities, according to Occupy Democrats. The definition of a sanctuary city is:
"A municipality that has adopted a policy of protecting...
815 million people around the world went hungry last year.
This, according to the latest data from the United Nations, is the first increase in global hunger in more than 15 years.
Sweeping initiatives from nations all...
Dear GOP Presidential Candidate Donald Trump,
I just watched a portion of your interview from Sunday night and I was appalled. You seriously need to be put over someone's knee.
You are running for the highest leadership position in...
On Thursday, lawmakers brought President Trump a bipartisan immigration deal proposal.
Trump countered it with racism.
According to the Washington Post, a source familiar with the meeting reported Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) presented Trump a...
Way back in 1988, the business mogul Leonard Stern commissioned a TV documentary about Donald Trump. However, the film never aired because Trump managed to prevent its circulation.
The film's producer Libby Handros recalled:
“He did everything he...
The problem of land mines is a global tragedy. In all probability, land mines kill more children than soldiers, and they keep killing after wars are over. -- Bill Clinton
Lord knows, we on the rational...
Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), 2016 presidential hopeful, was born in Canada – everyone has seen his birth certificate and knows his mother is American and father is Cuban-Canadian. Sen. Cruz maintained a dual citizenship between Canada and the...
This has not been a good week for Donald Trump. First, he didn't live up to expectations during Wednesday's debate, then he allowed a supporter at a rally to call President Obama a Muslim without...
Human Rights Watch named incoming President Donald Trump as a threat to human rights on Thursday.
In its 687-page World Report, now in its 27th edition, the renowned human rights organization said:
“Trump and various politicians in...
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said:
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
One of the promises President Donald Trump made on the campaign trail was to deny millions of refugees admission to...
Trump Says Clinton Would Allow 650 Million Immigrants To ‘Triple The Size’ Of Country
Liberal America
So much for Donald Trump staying on message and letting the FBI bombshell which landed in the Clinton camp help him improve his poll numbers. Instead, the GOP nominee has again resorted to hyperbole and...
A series of deportation raids targeting Central American asylum-seekers led immigrant rights activists and even fellow Democrats to harshly criticize the Obama administration. The Washington Post had already revealed plans by the Department of Homeland Security to...
This week, the Trump administration tested the limits of its anti-immigrant stance by admitting (after denying) and reaffirming its practice of divorcing refugee children from their parents crossing into the United States from the southern border.
A group of Clergy members in Arkansas held a press conference in Little Rock on December 18 to announce a statement of unity aimed at supporting the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The following are...